Chapter 29

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After everyone was sorted into their pairs, they all proceeded to go and watch the others fights against the pros.

First up was Sato and Kirishima vs. Cementoss. They readied up their quirks and Cementoss created cement walls towards the pair. They both let out loud battle cries but the class watching through the screen couldn't hear them, but they all assumed they did as they ran at the walls and began to punch them down. Punching like beyond that was a great reward.

"Wow, they really are going for it aren't they?" Mina commented as the two boys kept on punching and punching.

"But that's going to be a problem," [Name] said, the others looked her way in curiosity. "How so?" Mina asked.

"Kirishima and Sato can only use their quirks for so long. It drains their energy quickly, so if they keep on trying to get through the walls, their quirks will get weaker and weaker. They haven't even gotten close to Mr. Cementoss yet. If they keep that up, they could fail their exam." [Name] explained feeling bad if her accusation was indeed correct. They all looked at her and back at the screen. Kirishima and Sato still punching, they slowly felt their quirks beginning to fade. Kirishima loosing his rock hard self ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and Sato losing his sugar strength. Cementoss then eventually found them lying on the ground out of commission.

"Kirishima and Sato have failed the exam.." The speakers ran into everyone's ears. [Name] frowned, she hoped she wouldn't be right. But she was, and it cost them. Both of them were then carried off by stretchers and taken to Recovery Girl for healing.

"Hey, [Name]?" She felt a poke on her shoulder, she turned around to find Deku and she smiled sadly, still feeling bad for Kirishima and Sato. "Hey, what's up?" She asked.

"I think we should work out a plan on how we are going to pass our exam against All Might." He stated. She nodded to herself. "I'll get Katsuki," Before she could take a few steps he grabbed her elbow. She turned around and looked at him questioningly. "What is it?" She asked. "Just-...never mind. Go and get Kacchan." She hesitated for a moment looking at Deku in the eyes to try and see what he was thinking. But she couldn't place her finger on what he was feeling right now. She then gently loosened herself from Deku's grasp and proceeded to go and find Bakugo. Deku watched as she turned around a corner to find Bakugo. He sighed to himself. If only he could tell her.

. . .

[Name] wondered the hallways in search of Bakugo. She hoped that he'd agree to plan with her and Deku. But due to them being enemies now, that was going to be hard. She wished everything could be the way it was before. When they were kids. They were all friends and they loved each other. Now, they hate each other. Why? Why couldn't they be friends with one another like they were when they were so young? A small tear trickled down her cheek. She missed those days where they would have play dates on every weekend. The violent pillow fights, movie nights, and playing hero's together. It was truly a golden time of her life. But, everything has changed. [Name] quickly wiped away the tear and sniffed.

Things are different now...I need to focus on being a hero. To keep everyone safe. And my father safe. I will do whatever it takes to keep him alive. No matter the cost. Even if it is my own life...

She spotted her familiar ash-blonde friend and walked up to him. "Hey Katsuki." He looked up at her and watched her slowly stop in front of him.


"I was wondering...we should um.. plan what we are going to do against All Might."

"Is Deku going to be involved?" He asked.

"Well, he is our partner, so yeah.. he is involved."

"Then no.."

"Excuse me?"

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