Chapter 23

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"...[L/n] is...completely frozen?! She's got a blank look on her face and she isn't showing any sign of moving a single muscle! Is this Shinso's quirk? He didn't stand out at all, but could he actually be someone amazing?"

[Name] stood there, completely frozen, like the world around her looked to have completely stopped in time. And there was no way to escape it. However, she could think, but she couldn't move at all. Like her body didn't respond to her brains signals to tell her to move at all. What is going on?

"You are very lucky, to have been blessed, [L/n]." Shinso said as he broke the silence. He couldn't stop smirking. Thinking that he had won this fast, and against a hero course student too. His day was just getting better and better. He stared her down. Looking into he now completely white irises that looked to be lifeless. With nothing left inside.

"Now, turn around...and walk out of bounds." [Name] still stood motionless. But as Shinso spoke out his commands, she turned around slowly and began to walk in the opposite direction. Small step after step, she continued to walk towards the boundary line.

Meanwhile, on the bleachers. The whole class was so confused at how she could be so obedient and obey Shinso's orders. "[Name]! What is she doing?" Uraraka asked as she was looking in confusion and worry. Worry that her friend might actually just walk out of bounds. Iida waving his hands in his karate chop motions, "[Name]! What are you doing? Your going to go right out of bounds!" Iida said as he had the same expression as Uraraka. All the others were starting to worry too. Denki, Momo, Kirishima, Asui, Sero, even Bakugo. Bakugo was getting frustrated. "What the hell is she doing?!" He almost shouted but was loud enough for the whole class to look his way. He must really care for her.

No! No! I...I ca- I can't move my body! My's filling with fog...come on! S...Stop....moving! N-No! Stop! Everyone...everyone watching...Deku...Uraraka...Bakugo....Dad...Mom....Everyone....their all...counting

As [Name] was slowly walking down the arena. She then felt something. It felt like...a warm her chest...that warm feeling. That her father told her about. If she could move her body, her eyes would've widened in disbelief. She looked out and noticed a white figure. Standing at the edge of the tunnel out of the arena. There stood the white figure. It looked to be in the shape of a human being. The white figure had bright golden glowing slits in which she thought looked like eyes.

"[Name]." A soft voice spoke in her head. Woah! Who's voice was that?! "You. Need. To. Move." The soft voice said in her mind. The warm feeling in her chest then became warmer, and warmer. As she felt her quirk flowing through her veins, like the blood. She could feel her quirk coming. She could see in the corner of her eyes, her palms beginning to glow. The entire audience noticed this and stood upon the bleachers, waiting endlessly to see what was about to happen. Hoping she'd break free from Shinso's quirk. Her palm began to glow even more.

"You probably won't understand, but even with a Quirk like this, I have my own dreams." Shinso spoke, as he didn't notice the bright glow of [Name]'s palms. She could feel it. The warmth, the light, the power flowing within her. Now this was her chance! She had to take this opportunity into her own hands. And win this!

", lose for me."

Just as he barely whispered his last sentence, the glow of her palms then grew into a huge bright light that bursted from her body, in which everyone had to cover their eyes from the bright light that emerged from her body. This light made her be able to feel her index finger for a few short seconds. And with that, she moved her finger which barely twitched and she could see things clearly, she could feel her body obey her commands. She gasped and began to pant uncontrollably. Gasping for air like she had just reached the surface of a deep ocean in which she had been drowning and trying to reach for air. She found herself panting right where the boundary line was as if she was one second too late, she would've lost to Shinso.

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