Chapter 82 (Final)

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There was a feeling.

A warm feeling.

It made her feel whole.


And safe.

Opening her eyes she found herself in an area. It was a golden white color. Below her, her feet were covered by a small pool of water that spread as far as the eye can see. She looked around in wonder at what and where she was. Raising a brow in the process.

She took a few steps forward as the water splashed gently under her feet. It was strange. Why was she here? What was this place?

She had a feeling that she could trust whatever this was. She could feel her gut telling her that she was safe.

As she walked further, she noticed a large staircase beginning to form a ways away into her vision. She approached the staircase.

It looked to be made of marble. White and gold rails decorated the staircase nicely. At the peak of the staircase it faded into a bright light that would lead into the known.

Two figures walked down. She knew immediately who they were. Their faces smiling as clear as day.

"Mother... father..."

"Hey pumpkin."

Y/n smiled up at them as they walked down the final step and came forward. She hugged them instantly and they welcomed her with open arms.

She felt like she'd cry all over again.

They broke away and kept their wonderful grins on their faces.

"What are you doing here?" Y/n asked. "And where am I?"

M/n smiled. "There's someone who wants to talk to you."

She raised a brow in curiosity. I wonder who.

From behind, she looked to see a cloud form into a figure. She watched this happen as the figure formed into a man.

When the cloud disappeared she noticed immediately who it was.

The figure looked around confused. He held his hands up and looked at them. He moved his eyes around until his gaze fell upon the three.


He remained silent. Staring at her (e/c) orbs. He was in shock. How was he here? How did he get here? What was this place. He looked around frantically. As if panicking.

"Hey... Hayato." Y/n held a hand outward. Noticing his discomfort and nervousness. Where am I?! What am I doing here?! He thought.

"Hayato!" Y/n raised he voice slightly to get his attention. He snapped his eyes over to see her slowly approaching his figure. She held her hands outwards, indicating him to calm down.

His heart rate decreased slightly and his breathing became regular again.

"I... don't understand why I'm here..."

"I don't know either." Y/n replied. She and Hayato looked over at her parents to see them smiling.

"We need you to decide something." M/n stated. "Except it is not for me to explain or decide."

That was then a bright light formed above the staircase at the top. Both Y/n and Hayato looked up in wonder and curiosity.

That one figure had then begun to form into more. Y/n counted each one individually. There were seven. Seven angels.

These were the same ones from when she had basically died in the city where All for One was. Where him and All Might fought one another. And when she came back from the dead. The two looked in wonder.

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