Chapter 72

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"Kacchan she's okay! Just give her some time!"

Deku was in the middle of trying to keep Bakugo from leaving the dormitory. However, it wasn't working out so well. The greenette was the only one keeping him from going. All of the others were in their rooms, or sitting in the common room looking down and grieving over the loss of F/n.

Bakugo was worried about her. For she had not returned yet and his heart felt like it was going implode on him. He had a terrible feeling that she was kidnapped again. What if she never returned? What if she could be in trouble?

"Out of my way shitty nerd!" Bakugo growled and stomped forward towards the door, however, he sneered at Deku as he came forward. Blocking the doorway to the outdoors.

"Get out of my way. I won't ask you again."

Deku grit his teeth in annoyance, "No."

Bakugo raised a surprised brow at this, "Did you just say... no to me? You good for nothing little prick?!"

"Hey!" Uraraka exclaimed from the couch. She walked up with a stern expression plastered on her face. She stood next to Deku as the stared at the ash-blonde.

"Don't talk to Deku like that."

"Ha! What are you gonna do about it, pink cheeks?!" She ignored the name he called her.

"Kacchan. She is okay. She's powerful enough that no one will get her."

"Well what about that bastard who killed her father, huh?! What if he took her?! WHAT IF SHE'S DEAD?!"

The room then became silent. All everyone could do was stare. The silence was so awkward that you could cut it with a butter knife.

That is until the door behind the three opened up to reveal the (h/c) haired girl. She was clutching a wooden frame close to her chest as she slowly walked in.

"Feathers! Where have you been?" Bakugo asked frantically.

She looked up and his face as well as the others turned into one of confusion.

She was crying. But, not one of sadness. But of... joy?

"I visited home. I saw him. He's okay now." She gave them a barely noticeable grin.

Uraraka burst into tears and threw her arms around her, sobbing loudly.

"I'm sorry I couldn't do anything! I'm so sorry!" She yelled between wails. Y/n hugged her back and continued to cry along with her.

The others had begun to form tears all over again.


About a week had passed and everything seemed to be somewhat normal. However criminal cases had begun to increase drastically after what had happened. The death of her father had reached onto the news and Aizawa was brought in to talk about it. She were asked as well but she didn't want to. They said it was optional thankfully.

She just couldn't bring herself to do it.

Luckily, Aizawa didn't give away too much information, and the interviewer was nice enough as to not pressure him.

Everyone returned to class the next day and sat along their assigned seats. Awaiting for their homeroom teacher to enter.

About a minute later, Aizawa walked in, looking tired as ever and stood at the front.

Everyone bowed and awaited what they were going to do for the day.

"Today I am going to be explaining something a little different. To put it to the quick, you all will be going on... let's say a field trip."

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