"Don't tell anyone Ginny promise me" George slams the table

"Percy you're scaring her" I say grabbing Fred's hand "we don't want people knowing yet Ginny don't tell anyone"

"I won't" Fred muttered looking down

We all laughed at our amazing acting but Percy didn't look very pleased

"Hey Angie want to take violet back" Percy hissed

"Na I think I'm good here, won't be able to bully you at hers now will I" I smirk at him eating George's Mac and cheese

"Hey get your hands off you already took a bite" George slapped my hands

"And now I'm finishing it" I say scooping up the last bite

"Don't you dare violet" George threatens

"Watch me" I smirk putting it into my mouth

"That's it!" He yells

I jump up and run away from him around corners, behind the sofa jumping over it, running upstairs I finally run into his and Fred's room ready to make a u turn when he thinks he has me trapped but he shuts the door after him and locks it

"George you ruined my plan" I whine crossing my arms

"Good" he laughed running at me

I scream trying to run away but he grabs me around the waist and throws me onto his bed, I try to break free but he pins me down with his hands holding my arms and his legs either side of mine locking me in

"Got you" he smiles

"Not fair you cheated shutting the door" I whined

"No I used tactics darling" he smirked

I rolled my eyes but smiled at the nickname, I saw he was starring at me

"What?" I ask

He says nothing

"George?" I ask again

He leans down towards me and places his lips on mine, I reply instantly kissing him back, his hands leave my arms and one cups my face while the other holds my waist, I place my hands in his hair pulling him in deeper

He sits up and places me on his lap, I wrap my legs around his waist neither of us pulling away from the kiss, once we do he lies me back down on the bed and he moves his face to my neck, I feel his tongue touch my neck, I lean my head back giving him more access but we both jump at the sound of Fred calling our names

We look at each other jumping off the bed panic in our eyes

"What do we do" George panics

I look around and something catches my eye

"Unlock the door" I whisper

"What!" He whispered shouts

"Just do it and run over to the middle of the room once you have done" I say running over to a pair of scissors

Once he's unlocked the door and is in the middle of the room I jump on his back, with trouble I may add he really did grow, I grab a clump of his hair

"Violet what the fuck get off!" He shouts at me

"No let me cut it!" I scream back

Fred obviously heard our shouting and came to the source, he walked in seeing me on George's back trying to cut his hair

"Erm guys" he said

"What!" We both scream

"Angie has got to go come say bye" he said walking out laughing

As soon as the door closes I jump off George's back and put the scissors back

"That was your big plan cut my hair or kill me trying to" he hissed

"Yup" I pop the p and wink at him "it worked did it not"

"That's not the point" he said rolling his eyes

"Isn't it" i reply lowly walking over to him grabbing his top and pulling him closer

He looks me up and down while confusion is plastered on his face

"he didn't suspect us doing anything you wouldn't want anyone to see" I whisper in his ear slowly moving down kissing just below his ear

Before he could do anything I pull away and start skipping to the door, I turn around

"You coming?" I ask innocently opening the door

He grabs his hair and groans "you're going to pay for that"

"I'm sure I will" I wink walking in front of him running down the stairs engulfing Angie in a hug

George comes down after me

"George why is your hair a mess" Ron asks

"Because violet tried to cut it" he hissed looking at me

"What it was funny" I say innocently rocking on my heels with my hands behind my back

My darling - 1 (George Weasley fan-fiction) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora