"Do you have your writing instruments?"

Theo brandished his ever present clipboard.

"I'm going to have you make a list for me."

* * * * *

After I was done recalling all the dark haired vampires I knew with Theo, I spent another hour going back and forth over arguments in my mind. It was much more entertaining when I would imagine arguing against Davidson, but this time that just was not realistic. I had to use a logical stand in like Magnus, or the even more unpleasant Ivan and neither of them were nearly so fun as riling the younger councillor.

It was a shame, really. Although the shakeup would all be worth it.

Even as I pondered, I could tell the sun was rising higher in the sky. I could not see it, because the experience would be terribly painful, perhaps even deadly, but I could feel the weariness of the brightening day begin to grow inside me nonetheless.

I stood up and stretched. I looked towards my guards. "I'm going to retire early today, I believe."

One quickly left the chamber to get the others, the other followed me to my bedchamber. I went inside alone and prepared myself for rest. There came an expected knock on the door.


"Mistress." Marcel bent his head respectfully as he entered.

I smiled at the trusted protector for my most vulnerable hours, but we did not converse further. I lay down in my comfortable bed and soon the pull of nothingness dragged me away.

* * * * *

I woke empty and cold, a feeling that had first disturbed me when I had been turned, but now felt quite normal. I opened my eyes and scanned the room, finding Marcel sitting in a chair where he had been when I had fallen asleep.

"Good day," I said to him, alerting him to my renewed consciousness.

"Good day, Mistress, how was your rest?"

"Delightful, as it always is. It chases the weariness away."

He nodded, accepting my words although he could not truly understand the sleep of the indefinite.

I got up and pulled on my dressing gown.

"You slept longer than usual," Marcel told me.

"Oh, how much longer?"

"Three quarters of an hour."

"Let's hope it's not a trend." Like the sleep of mortals, there could be some fluctuation in the hours of rest, so I was not overly concerned so long as it was an abnormality.

"Thank you, Marcel. You may leave now." With a nod of his head, Marcel left me to my own musings.

My sire had been much older when he turned me than I currently was and he had scarcely rested, to the point where he would sleep for only about an hour and he could fight off the dragging darkness for an entire day if absolutely necessary, although he became extremely ill-tempered on such occasions.

My sire's name had been Luke and even before the human suppression wars, he had been one of the oldest amongst us. He had not given me a choice and he had never properly explained why he had turned me, but I had learned to accept the lack of answers. He had been rather strange and unnerving at moments, although I learned to care for him in time. I had thought perhaps he had been lonely, but no self-respecting vampire would ever admit to such a weakness.

Despite his harm to me, he generally treated me much like a daughter and taught me everything I needed to know about my new state of existence. Although I had missed my family as vexing as they were, I found myself rather of the right temperament to persist in the world.

The Vampire & the Rebel (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें