Chapter 124 Kyoya's Purpose

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"Ice Devil's Zeroth Destruction Fist!!!!!"

After first producing the ice that he devoured from Invel, the corrupted Kyoya creates a pair of destructively powerful gauntlets with the same properties as ice from the underworld and launched a flurry of punches on the real Kyoya

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After first producing the ice that he devoured from Invel, the corrupted Kyoya creates a pair of destructively powerful gauntlets with the same properties as ice from the underworld and launched a flurry of punches on the real Kyoya.

As Kyoya was sent flying backwards, the corrupted Kyoya lunged forward as he wasn't going to hold anything back. When he got close to the original, he quickly made his move.

"Ice Devil's Zeroth Long Sword!!!!!"

The replica creates an ethereal long sword from his palms that he uses to slash at the real Kyoya, inflicting a deep cut that severely injured his body and slowly freezing him

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The replica creates an ethereal long sword from his palms that he uses to slash at the real Kyoya, inflicting a deep cut that severely injured his body and slowly freezing him. Seeing this, the real Kyoya began to focus his mana as he engulfs himself in flames to keep himself from being frozen.

"This replica is using Devil Slayer Magic in rapid succession. Doesn't he know that doing it slowly makes him lose his sanity and his own humanity!!!!!!"

"You're mine!!!!!!"

As the replica spreads his arms, he creates a circular barrier of ice around Kyoya

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As the replica spreads his arms, he creates a circular barrier of ice around Kyoya. Afterwards, he slammed his left fist into his right palm as a spiky ice shard appeared in the middle of the barrier. When the ice shattered, it showed Kyoya's body was impaled.

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