Family Time,

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 Kakyoin sighed as he watched his husband from afar. Recently, Jotaro had much more work that needed done. Or maybe he just wanted to work. But a married man with two children wouldn't usually want to do that, specially all day.

 "Mommy!!!" Jolyne whined as she ran towards Kakyoin with her arms extended. Her older brother Jouta running behind her. Kakyoin sighed again and hugged Jolyne. "I-I was just playing!!" Jouta stammered as he looked at his crying sister. "What'd you do.." Kakyoin glared a little at his son. Not in a mean way, just a way that showed he wasn't messing around. "I-I told her that Dad worked only because he didn't love any of us... She took it personally and didn't realize I was joking.." Jouta sighed as he looked at the now passed out Jolyne in Kakyoin's arms. "Well, maybe you shouldn't joke about that." Kakyoin whispered as he stood up and began to carry Jolyne to her bedroom.

 "Hey hun.." Kakyoin whispered as he started to crawl into bed beside Jotaro. Jotaro only sleepily hummed in response. "I was wondering.... If you would take a day off. For me and the kids, ya know.." Jotaro slowly got up. Kakyoin smiled at him as he looked into the other males ocean blue eyes. "Wish I could Nori, but you know how my boss is." Jotaro gently pressed his lips against Kakyoin's soft forehead before laying back down. Kakyoin's eyebrows furrowed as he watched Jotaro get back comfortable in the bed. "Well then, how about you take Jouta and Jolyne on the boat tomorrow? It helps with your work doesn't it?" Kakyoin heard Jotaro heave a small sigh before he sat back up. "Maybe... I'll think about it k? G'Night baby.."

 "Are you two ready?" Jotaro asked as he looked at Jouta and Jolyne. Jolyne and Jouta smiled before Jouta kept on struggling with getting her life jacket on. "You sure you aren't coming?" Kakyoin shook his head. "I hate boats..." Suddenly, Kakyoin was grabbed by two purple looked arms. "Too bad," Jotaro glared as he walked over and began to force a life jacket onto Kakyoin.

 Much screaming of the words "NO!!!!" "FUCK OFF JOTARO!!!!!!!!!!!" "I SAID I DON'T WANT TO COME ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!" Repeatedly later

 "Hmph!" Kakyoin frowned as he looked at the calm waves surrounding the boat. "Oh c'mon it's not that bad Kak...." Jotaro whispered as he wrapped an arm around Kakyoin and Jouta held tightly onto Jolyne, preventing her from jumping off into the cold water. "Let me goooo!!" Jolyne whined as she started to try and kick free. "No." Jouta glared. Jotaro and Kakyoin sighed a little as they watched their children struggle to get along.

 "Look at the star fishy!!" Jolyne exclaimed as she pointed at the water. Jotaro bent over and stared at the blue and purple Star Fish on the ocean floor that was very visible due to it's bright and vibrant colors. "It's actually called a Sea star.." Jotaro mumbled as he glared off into the distance. Jolyne heard him and smiled. "That's cool! But why's it called that instead?" Jolyne grinned as Jotaro put his attention back to her. "Because it's not a fish." Jotaro forced a smile onto his face. "But it lives in the ocean.." "AHAHA Yeah I know!!!!" Jotaro laughed as his smile started looking a little more scary than it already did. Kakyoin and Jouta both nervously laughed and Jouta grabbed Jolyne so Jotaro wouldn't get even more pissed then he already was from false information about the ocean.

 "Thanks... I needed this.." Jotaro whispered as he hugged Kakyoin as he watched Jouta start carrying Jolyne inside. "Yeah sure.." Kakyoin mumbled. "Hey sorry, I love you." "I love you too..."


I uh- finally wrote something. I have a thing where I can write the idea down but I don't write the story, lol. I hope you all enjoyed. Happy New Year(Not too late am I?)
Love you all~!
~Arrivederci My Crusaders!


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