16. Whats my name ?

Start from the beginning

He used to wake me up at 2am just to make it then make me stay up and talk to him while he ate . I never complained or said no because honestly I looked forward to doing it . On the days he didn't wake me up I woke up myself and made him one on my own .

I swear I love that boy .

Wait what ?

"Ken is the sandwich ready ?!" Daniel yells out . I wipe the single tear off of my face and cut the sandwich in half .

"Yes ! " I answer and walk it to the dining room table . I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and shortly after see him appear sitting next to me . "Are you ready ?" I ask him

"Yep " he nods "let me see what you working with "

I slide him over the other half of the sandwich and he picks it up . We toast and take a bite at the same time .

"Mmm " I groan letting the flavors burst into my mouth .

"Ew" he scoffs spitting it out on the plate . I frown and look at him like he's crazy .

"What you mean ew ?" I question

"You put avocados on this ? " he asks and I nod "and tomato's ?"

"Yeah why ?" I ask annoyed

"THATS disgusting !"

"If you don't like avocados and tomatoes then why are they in your kitchen ?"

"I like them just not on a sandwich , if I wanted a salad I would've ate one " he says . I roll my eyes grab his plate stomping into the kitchen . I officially hate niggas . So unappreciative.

I understand if he doesn't like it , but he did to much . Not even Von would've been that rude . He needs some manners

"Baby you mad at me ?" He asks walking into the kitchen

"I'm fine " I mumble

"It's okay , everyone can't make a sandwich . How about I remake it for you " he offers

"I'm not hungry "

"Kennedy " he laughs "don't be all salty cause you suck "

I snap my neck towards him and mug "there's plenty of people that like my sandwich "

"Shit they had to be high " he chuckles and turn away from him . Asshole ."okay I'm just playing . I just don't like all that extra stuff "

"It's cool " I smirk "Imma make my sandwich for someone else "

"Oh really " he says coming behind me wrapping his arms around . " who ? " he asks

"Someone who appreciates it "

"Yeah yeah whatever " he mocks me " how about you make it for my dad ."

"Your dad ?" I look at him confused

" yeah He wants to see us on Wednesday , he's having a picnic" he explains and I raise my eyebrows .

"As fun as that sounds , I can't , I'm going out of town on Wednesday " I tell him truthfully

"Ouuu where we going ? " he asks I chuckle at him and shake my head

"I don't think you would want to go "

"Why not ?"

"My mother and I are flying out to LA to see Durk and his family "

I feel his arms unravel so I turn around and face him to see a saddened look . "Durk huh ? " he asks

"Yes Durk " I tell him seriously "I know what your thinking and it's not that " I shake my head knowing that he thinks I'm sneaking off with Von . As much as I want to , I've already made the decision not to .

"How do I know it's not that ? " he questions

"Because I'm telling you " I say in a Duh tone

"You've told me a lot of things Kennedy . Like the fact that your still in love with him "

"No I still love him I'm not in love with him there's a difference " I lie

"Well that difference doesn't stop him from fucking  you does it ? !" He yells

"You think I'm going out there to have sex with him ? "

"Are you ? "

"No " I shake my head "I'm not even going to be around him , I'm going for my family "

"Why can't your family come down here ? " he asks

"They have a baby Daniel "

He huffs and shakes his head . I walk closer to him and wrap my arms around his neck. "I'm with you now " I remind him

"I know Kennedy but going out there could change your mind " he says lowly

"My minds made up " I say then kiss him "you have to trust me "

"When it comes it him your mind always changes " he mumbles and I see the insecurity all over his face .

"Not this time " I say and mean it " I promise okay " I smile holding out my pinky

He nods a little and wraps his pinky around mine  "I'm sorry "

"It's okay " I smile "what can I do to make you feel better ? " I ask

He looks me up and down then licks his lip . "Mhm "

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