,,Wouldn't you like a new book in the meantime? "Fred asked, frowning," I think we all have it literally in our heads, "

,,Your father offered to bring me a new book, but I turned down his offer. Muggle construction books aren't very my jam, "

,,Sounds like Dad, "laughed Fred.

After a few minutes, the door opened, and Molly stepped in with a wide smile, along with the whole clan of Weasleys, including Flure, who may also be called Weasley, in addition to them, there was Hermione. 

,,Hi, dearlings, how are you? I brought pies! "Molly went to her son's bed and kissed him on the forehead," I brought you your favorite juice. You don't know how hard it was to hide it from Ron so he wouldn't drink it all, "

,,I imagine, "Fred replied as Molly began to lift various things out of the basket.

,,We brought you something, Tonks, "said Arthur, raising the cradle of the portable baby.

,,My baby!" Tonks shouted happily, reaching out, she rushed to Arthur and took Teddy in her arms, "Mommy missed you so much, honey pie," she smiled broadly, looking straight into the eyes of her one-month-old son, Teddy's eyes were golden, they became so every time he felt happy, Tonks sat on the edge of Remus's bed again, swaying her son in her arms, "Have you grown even bigger? I can swear you were half as big yesterday. "

,,You've gone soft, Tonks, "Bill said.

,,And what if I am. I'm proud of that, "Tonks replied, rubbing Teddy's belly with her nose.

,,How is Remus? "Hermione asked anxiously.

,,He's doing better. Healers said his wounds have healed almost completely, and soon he might even wake up."

Molly smiled broadly and shouted happily, "That's wonderful news, honey. How are you feeling?"

,,Normally, the hand is still as if Giant had stepped on it, but otherwise, it's okay, "replied Tonks, looking still at Teddy, who was now trying to catch his mother's dark pink hair with his tiny clumsy hands.

But suddenly Teddy's mood got bad, and he started crying, Tonks started to swing him again, and asked Molly, "What time did you feed him, Molly?"

,,Just before we left the house. Maybe he's crying because he hasn't slept since this morning, he hasn't wanted to sleep at all lately. He's up all night and he doesn't want to sleep in the morning either, "Molly replied a little worried, she adjusted Fred's pillow.

,,Sorry for the trouble, Molly. Honestly, if necessary, he can stay here. "

,,Oh, no, honey. This is not a problem. Besides, you have to rest. Believe me, I'm used to it. "

,,I would be surprised if you weren't, "said George, who was sitting in a chair next to his brother's bed.

Tonks swung Teddy gently, but it didn't help him fall asleep. She put the pacifier in Teddy's mouth, but the little boy pushed it out of his mouth again with his tongue so that it fell to the floor. Fleur picked it up from the ground and walked to the sink to wash it clean before returning it to Tonks. Tonks smiled gratefully, put it in Teddy's mouth again, but he pushed it away again. As a last resort, Tonks decided to put Teddy into Remus's arms. She lifted the boy to Remus' chest, and then she climbed out of bed, kneeling next to the bed, staying at the same height as her son.

,,Shh," she quietly soothed the boy, stroking his hair and back, then she began to hum quietly, and sing in a soft voice," My little baby, don't you cry, mama is here to watch your sleep. Hush, now my baby, let's play a game, winner is the one who falls asleep. And when you wake up, I'm here by your side. Taking care of your little mess. So Hush, little baby, and fall asleep, and maybe when you wake your daddy is here too. Hush, my baby, fall asleep..." Tonks sang to her son, not even noticing that everyone else was also listening to her song.

Our happily ever after? (Remadora fanfiction)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα