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After the movie, you and Elijah passed some time walking through the park. It was a nice day out and you still had time to spare before you had to pick up Maya.

It was nice to be hanging out with someone for once. You missed actually having friends.

You laughed at something Elijah said, looking up at him with a smile. He smiled and slowly asked, "So how old were you when you had Maya?"

You kicked a rock in front of you as you walked. You knew this topic would pop up eventually, it wasn't a bad time to share either. Elijah picked up on your hesitance and said, "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to."

You shook your head, "No, it's okay... I was 17, at the beginning of my eleventh grade year."

He nodded as he listened intently, walking beside you as you told the story. "It was my first time, actually, when I had her. I was on the pill, but I guess they don't ways work," you explained, fiddling with your hands.

"I came out about it to my parents when I found out. It didn't end well..." you trailed off on the last part.

Elijah asked gently, "What happened?"

You sighed, "They were definitely mad. Threw me out of the house and disowned me. I told Kyle and he disappeared, I found out he moved to another school the next week."

"You didn't have anyone to help you?" Elijah asked, surprised by that.

You shrugged, "My friends left me because I grew a reputation for myself at that godforsaken place, 'The School's Slut'. Charming, I know. I didn't have anywhere to stay, really. I ended up having to rent a motel for a while. I was able to get a job and an apartment after a while. The only person who was really there for me was my soulmate, even if it was only through words."

Elijah nodded as he looked away, looking down at his feet as he walked next to you. You sighed, "I was in a bad place, I just wanted things to go back to normal. For a while I debated whether I should just get rid of her, hopefully get back to my parents or something. My soulmate swayed me away from it and then I had her. I looked at her for the first time and...there was no way I could have given her up."

Elijah watched you, the look in your eyes as you remembered those times, remembered seeing Maya for the first time. He saw the tears beginning to well up in your eyes before you blinked them away.

You continued after clearing your throat, "Uh, I managed to graduate high school. I got a scholarship, surprisingly, so I managed to get into college. I only attended for two years, though, I didn't have the money or time to stay for four. I got another job and a better place and been like this ever since."

Elijah nodded. He was angry at the fact that you had to go through all of that, especially at such a young age. He was also impressed, however, that you were able to get through it as you had. The story was familiar, though. The clues were still pointing him in her direction.

You sighed, "And, well, here we are now." You looked back up at him, rubbing your hands on the seams of your jeans and smiling. He told you, "I'm sorry you had to go through that. It must have been hard, you're very strong for having gotten through it as well as you did."

You scoffed slightly, "Yeah, okay."

"I'm serious. Not many people are able to do what you did. It takes strength, and from what I've seen, you have a lot of that," he assured you.

You smiled, "Really?"

He nodded and you chuckled lightly, "And here I was thinking I was doing something wrong."

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