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While Kyle sat on the end of the bench with a couple of the other parents, he stared at his phone to keep himself occupied.

A woman passed by the bench he sat on, leaning over his shoulder. "You got a kid here? Be kind of strange if you didn't," she asked.

Kyle glanced up at the woman, looking back up at her with a quirked brow, "Yeah, the one with the crazy hair. What about you, hotness?"

She shook her head, "No, I was just passing through when I saw a hot dad." She smirked at him and he hummed, "Is that so?"

He put his phone away and told her, "Well, we could see if we could change the no child thing. Just you, me, and a room."

She chuckled airily and said, "Don't want a kid, but I wouldn't mind trying... What about yours?"

He glanced over at Maya playing with her friends and said, "She's with her friends, I'm sure they'll drop her off when they're finished playing. Why don't you and I go and play together now?"

The woman smirked, "Don't mind if I do."

Kyle stood and went with the woman, walking away from the park as he took her back to his place to "play".


You looked at your watch, stressing out as you wondered where Maya and Kyle were. He was supposed to be dropping her off today, they were supposed to be here by now, it was just passed six.

She shook her head and took a breather, "It's fine. Maybe they're just running a little late. I'll just call Kyle and he'll say that he's on his way."

You nodded in strained approval at that plan, picking up your phone to call Kyle. The phone rang several times before he finally picked up, "Hello?" There was a chuckle in his voice as he answered.

"Kyle, where are you?" You asked, worry evident in your voice. There was hesitance on his end before he replied, "Oh, is that the time? Uh, I'll just head over now with Maya. Just...give me a sec."

He hung up the phone and you were in full panic mode. He didn't have Maya. If he did, she would have pitched in the background with a greeting.

Your breath sped as you full on hyperventilated. You had to find her. Where on earth would she be?

You called Kyle back and he answered, "Just let me get there, ha."

"Where the hell is my child?!" You exclaimed, fanning your hand out beside you to give it something to do.

"Okay, we went to the park earlier. She was playing with her r friends, I assumed they had her covered."

"You left her at the goddamn park alone?!" You screamed.

"She was with her friends! Not alone!" He tried.

You shook your head as you answered, "Kyle, her friends are eight years old and can't drive! How do you even know she's still with them?"

You took a breath and said, "I'm going to go get her. I swear, Kyle, she better be there or it will be your heart on a silver platter."

You hung up the phone and snatched your keys off the counter, charging out of your house with your phone in your pocket.

You got in your car and went as fast as you could possibly manage without getting pulled over. You arrived at the park in no time, calling out as you got to the playground she usually played at.

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