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"What the hell are you doing here?" You asked, your voice edging on angry.

He shrugged, "Came to say hi to you and the little guy. How are you?"

"The little girl and I are fine. If you would like to go, that would be greatly appreciated," you said, beginning to get annoyed with the man already.

Elijah asked from the kitchen, "Is everything alright, Y/N?"

You looked back at him slowly and nodded, "Yeah... Everything's fine. He was just leaving."

Elijah washed his hands and dried them off with a towel. Kyle looked into the house, getting a glimpse of Elijah before you limited his view with the door.

"Who's that?" Kyle asked.

"None of your business. Now go before she sees you," you told him hurriedly.

And just as you said that, Maya came over to the door and hugged your leg. "Mama, who's this?" She asked, a little shy toward him.

You sighed and put a hand around her shoulder. Elijah came over, watching a safe distance away from the door.

Kyle smirked reluctantly and kneeled to Maya's level. Your mother instincts rose in you again and you pulled her away from his view slightly, standing a little in front of her to shield Maya from Kyle.

He spoke, "Relax, just going to talk to her."

"That's what bothers me, Kyle."

He scoffed and looked at the girl, who only hid behind you more. He waved, "Hey, what's your name?"

She looked up at you and you sighed, nodding hesitantly. She told him shyly, "Maya."

He chuckled lightly, "Well, I'm Kyle. I'm your dad."

She furrowed her brows at him confused, "No, you're not."

He nodded, "Yes, I am..."

You sighed again when she looked up at you to settle this. You bent down and Kyle stood again, you told her, "Maya, Kyle...is your dad..."

She looked up at him, a sort of disapproving look in her eyes as she looked him up and down. "How?" She asked, almost scowling at the man.

You told her, "Uh - I'll tell you when you're older."

She sighed and looked up at Kyle, who smiled at her again. She brought her hand to her mouth, chewing on the nails - which she only did when she was scared or worried.

Elijah popped up and picked Maya up with a smile, "Why don't we watch the cookies while your mother and this nice gentleman talk?"

Maya nodded, "Okay."

Elijah gave you a quick glance to show that he had you covered. You silently thanked him and closed the door behind you, ushering Kyle out. "What are you doing here?"

"As I said, want to get to know my daughter," he said, trying to seem innocent.

"Do you now? Why now? Why after all this time?" You questioned him suspiciously, you didn't trust him at all.

He shrugged, "It hasn't been that long has it? What is she, like four? Five?"

You pinched the bridge of your nose, tired of this conversation and ready for him to just leave and forget about you. "Kyle, I had her when we were 17. We're 26. Do the math."

He furrowed his brow, "Wow, nine years? Hm."

"What do you mean 'hm'? She's gone almost nine years without a father because you weren't ready to step up. Now you show up out of nowhere to 'get to know your daughter'? What kind of bullshit is that, Kyle?"

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