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You got back to the house after breakfast, where Maya went to go play while you talked with your soulmate for a little bit.

Hey, got back from breakfast.

He took a moment to respond, but he did, as always: That's great. How was it?

It was nice. But she did ask me why my parents weren't coming. I really wish they would give her a chance. She deserves that. I feel like I messed it up for her.

You didn't do anything wrong. Your parents haven't been the best to you, you can't blame that on yourself.

Thanks. I guess I've just been feeling a little stressed lately. Between Kyle and Maya and work, I've been quite busy. It's good I have help now. I'm glad I've always had you. It's nice to know I have someone to come back to.

You will have me always and forever, my dear.

Always and forever? He'd never mentioned that before, it just stood out to you now.

It's a vow I have with my family.

What's it for?

It's a promise that we will always have each other, that we'll always stick together.

You smiled. That's nice.

And now I'm sharing it with you. I feel it's appropriate.

You smiled at the sentiment, you could tell by his words that the vow was very important to him. The fact that he was sharing it with you only made it that much more meaningful. I love you, you wrote, always and forever.

I love you, too. I have to go now, but I'll talk again with you later. Tell your daughter I said happy birthday for me?

I will. Bye, babe.

Goodbye, dear.

You sighed contently, you wished he was here. You shut your journal and placed it back on its spot on your nightstand, walking back across the hall to see Maya.

"You wanna go see that movie now?" You asked her, leaning on her doorframe with a smile. She turned back to you and nodded happily. She was bored and wanted to do some thing fun.

"We can stop by the voodoo shop after the movie, as well," you suggested.

"Oh, can we?!" She exclaimed, she loved going there to get the crystals and dolls and things. She loved the idea of voodoo and already had a collection of items from the place.

She sometimes used the crystals or charms she could get her hands on to make bracelets and necklaces with you.

You smiled and nodded, "Of course, we can. I'm going to call Elijah and see if he wants to come along."

She agreed with that and retreated to her piggy bank to see just how much money she had from the lemonade and jewelry stand she had during the summer. She decided to do both since she made so many things with the charms.

Before you walked out of the room, you turned back to Maya, "Oh, guess who wished you a happy birthday?"

"Oo, was it Elijah?" She guessed.

You shook your head, "Not yet. The soulmate I talk about sometimes. He told me to tell you happy birthday."

She smiled, she liked your soulmate. He was nice. "Thank you!"

You nodded with a smile and went back to your room to grab your phone off of the charger. You called Elijah and the phone rang a few times before he picked up, "How are you, Y/N?"

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