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You woke the next morning still wrapped in Elijah's arms. You smiled and turned over to face him. He took in a breath, and his grip around you tightened as he woke. "Good morning," he said gently.

You sighed and kissed his chin, opening your eyes to see him, "Good morning." He looked down at you sweetly, kissing your forehead.

"How did you sleep?"

You just kissed him, your lips moving in sync with his. It was nice, you loved kissing him. When you pulled away, he laughed, "I'll take that as good."

You chuckled and then groaned, "I'm hungry."

Elijah let out another laugh, the sound rumbled in his chest as he did. You buried your face in his chest, not out of embarrassmemt, but just because he was warm and you liked the feel of him.

He stroked your hair and kissed your forehead again, a smile plastered on his face. You lifted your head to look at him and he said, "We can fix that."

You smiled at him and he sighed before going to sit up, which made you groan again, your arms wrapping tighter around him in an attempt to make him stay.

He turned to you and laughed again, your arms tight around his waist as he was now sitting up with his legs thrown over the side of the bed. He slipped out of your hold and picked you up in his arms.

"As much as I love to see you naked, my dear, we must get dressed. It's noon," he told you with an amused look on his face.

"Have to pick up Maya," you mumbled and then took a deep breath.

He nodded his agreement. Elijah washed his suit before getting in the shower with you, which, in turn, made you a little later to go get Maya.


A few days had passed and you were feeling rather strange. You took it as a vampire thing- you still didn't know too much about being a vampire- but still went to Freya just in case.

You were laying down on a table with Elijah standing beside you as she analyzed you with her magic. You looked over at her and asked, "I'm not sick, am I?"

"Vampires don't get sick," Elijah told you.

You nodded and waited for the analysis to be done with. After a few more minutes, Freya stopped and smiled.


She turned to Elijah and then back to you. She closed her eyes to take something in before saying, "Elijah, Y/N, congratulations. You're pregnant."

You both stared in shock, confusion written on your faces. She expected this reaction and waited out your shock, well the speechless part of it.

"I'm what?"

Elijah spoke, "How is this possible?"

"I thought vampires couldn't have kids," You pointed out.

Freya spoke, "Vampire soulmates can. Vampires are just barely fertile, so it's harder for them to make children. You must have been fairly fertile before to achieve this so soon." She said that last part to you.

You shook your head, "Wait, but how did I feel it so soon? It usually takes a couple weeks to know."

Freya nodded, "Yes, more news. Take it as you will, your baby grows faster than that of a human."

You sighed and looked up at Elijah, who looked down at you, as well. He gave a conflicted look and you asked, "What's wrong?"

Elijah sighed, glancing at Freya, who smiled and nodded sympathetically in return before leaving to give you both privacy. He licked his bottom lip before saying, "I remember you telling Kyle that you didn't want any more kids."

You smiled softly, worry gone from your face as you looked at him, placing your hand on his cheek. "Elijah," you said, "I didn't want any more kids with him. I knew he would just abandon me again. But, you, you never would. I know it."

He put his hand over yours, "I could never abandon you or Maya, or our baby."

You smiled, biting your bottom lip, "We're having a baby."

He smiled as well, the slightest trace of a tear of his eye as he nodded, "We're having a baby."

From another room in the house, you heard Rebekah exclaim, "YOU'RE HAVING A WHAT?!"

Elijah laughed with you on that one. She came storming down to where they were, a large smile on her face, "Congratulations, brother!"

She hugged him tightly and then turned to you, hugging you just as much, "Congratulations."

"Thank you, Rebekah," you told her gently.

She put her hands on your stomach and smiled, "More children. This is wonderful. I'll go get Maya!"


The next few days was spent breaking the news to everyone. You were already looking a little over a month in. But you still hadn't told your parents. You were reluctant to after last time.

"I just don't want it to blow up in my face, especially after I just made up with my dad," you told Elijah, walking hand in hand with him at the park with Maya skipping along up front.

He kissed the back of your hand, "I know. But you know the difference between this time and last time?"

You looked at him as your response and he told you, "You've got me."

You smiled a little and sighed, nodding to him, "You're right. Plus, I'm a grown ass woman and they can't tell me what to do anymore." The last part was mostly just to encourage yourself, you needed plenty of encouragement to get through this.

You sighed and went to check that Maya was still there. You stopped when you didn't see her. Damn it.

"Maya!" You called.

You listened closely for her, a perk of being a vampire. When you heard her voice up ahead, you sped over to her.

"Maya, you can't run off like that," you told her, kneeling in front of her. You saw everyone else standing behind her: Klaus, Rebekah, Kol, and Freya. You gave her a hug and turned to everyone else, "Hey, what are you doing here?"

Kol smirked and said, "Look up."

You stood up and saw a banner hanging above their heads.

'Marry me?'

You tilted your head at the banner, trying to process the words. You looked over to see if Elijah had caught up yet. You directed your gaze farther down when you saw him kneeling beside you.

"Elijah..." you mumbled.

He started, "I love you. I always have loved you, and I always will. I know it's soon, but it feels like I've been with you forever, and I hope to spend the rest of it with you."

He reeached in his pocket and grabbed a small, black box out of it. He opened it and presented a beautiful diamond ring to you, "Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, will you do me the honor of, not only being the mother of my child, but being my wife? Will you marry me?"

You smiled and wiped away your tears, throwing your arms around him while getting to your knees, "Of course! Yes, I will!"

Elijah smiled and blinked his own tears away, je hugged you back tightly. Maya and Elijah's siblings cheered for you, happy to have another sibling. You let go just enough to kiss him, "I love you, too."

He smiled, holding you tighter as he slowly stood up with you in his arms. Maya was smiling and singing to herself about "having a new daddy".

When you finally separated, he slipped the ring on your finger and kissed you again. You then went to hug everyone else, excited to officially be a part of your new family.

You couldn't wait for your life to actually start in this makeshift home of yours with your daughter, new baby, soon-to-be husband, and siblings-in-law.

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