"What's the matter love. Feel like you have to cum already?" He teased

I felt tears run down my face because of how sensitive I felt.

Before I could do anything, somehow Kook had me on my back and started ruthlessly pounding into me, hitting my prostate with every thrust

"So beautiful. I love watching you become so damn wrecked under me. And look how hard you are for me. Your cock is practically dripping for me. Maybe I stop and leave you needy for me"

"No!" I yelled. I started crying because the thought of him leaving me like this made me sad

"Shhhhhh. Calm down love. I could never leave like this" he smiled while wiping my tears

"You've been so sensitive lately. Emotionally and especially sexually." He said while continuing to thrust into me

How can he even talk while I'm just a morning mess?

"Is my Tae Tae already pregnant. Is my baby making you needy?"

I couldn't even answer him. The only sounds that left my mouth were moans of pleasure.

With one last thrust I came all over myself and I felt his warmth fill me.


I can't believe I did that. I've never been that forward before.

In the hall way. I just had hallway sex. I even fell asleep in the hallways and JungKook picked me up and put me in my bed.

How embarrassing.

When I woke up he was gone and left a note saying he would be by for dinner.

I really want barbecue chicken wings. I'll probably order some.

When I got out of bed I want to shower. I'm sticky and feel gross.

I washed my hair as I let the warm water continue to fall down my back. Did the company change the ingredients on my shampoo because lately my hair has been shiny and growing thicker.

As I washed the rest of my body I let my hands linger around my stomach. Kookie and I have been trying for a baby since Christmas even and we're 4 days away from Valentine's days.

What if I am pregnant?

Kook did say I've changed emotionally and sexually. I've also been wanting to eat more food. But I haven't had any morning sickness or needing to pee like my last pregnancy.

That's why I haven't tested. Aren't those supposed to be the automatic signs? But I don't have those.

When I shut the water off I heard my front door unlock. I dried off and put on one of Kooks shirts and some boxers.

Before I even made my way down the stairs I could already smell barbecue chicken. How? I didn't order any yet.

"Hey love. How are you feeling?" He asked when I entered the kitchen.

"Good. Just hungry. How'd you know to get barbecue chicken?" I asked

"Well before you had your way with me you mentioned it and said something about cake. I wasn't sure what kind of cake so I went with chocolate" he smiled

"You're the best. I love you"

"I love you too. I got you something else" he said

Before I asked, he slide a pink rectangular box across the kitchen island.

"But I haven't had morning sickness" I replied

"I know but please take the test. I have a feeling that you are. It's one of those fancy ones they tell you how far along you are." He said

"Fine I'll take it. But don't get your hopes up also can you make me chocolate milk?"

"Anything for you my love" 

I made my way to the bathroom just off the living room and peed on one of the test. I washed my hands and set a 3 minute timer on my phone.

I walked back to the kitchen and smiled.

"Now we wait"

"I know it's positive I just know it." JungKook said

He got down on his knees and starting kissing my stomach. I laughed because he looked so cute with how excited he is

"right baby? I know you're in there" his said while kissing my stomach

"Kookie, even if I was pregnant the baby can't hear you yet."

When the timer went off and JungKook got up and ran to the bathroom. When he walked back into the kitchen he has tears in his eyes.

I knew he shouldn't have gotten his hopes up.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. I love you so much" he said while kissing me all over my face.

I looked at the test that now rested on the the kitchen island

5 - 6 weeks

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