05 | Hey, lil' Queen

Start from the beginning

"Why can't you just stop at Queen?" I sit infront of his knees on the floor, folding my knees backwards and resting my hands on his lap. My favorite place and position to sit in this entire world.

"Can't you see I have grown up? I am not little anymore papa!" I whine, when in reality I want to hug him tight so that he never escapes me and cry my eyes out.

The muscle at the side of his eyes twitch as his lips tugs at the side slowly forming a smile - weak, but smile nonetheless, radiating genuine happiness.

"You are only just nineteen lil'Queen. You'll be my lil' Queen even after you age an eternity." He says beaming, pronouncing each word very slowly, with difficulty.

"Right!" mum from beside him says, pretending to be annoyed. "A few seconds ago, you didn't have the energy to drink this broth. And now you have the energy to speak! That too so long a sentence! Justify this Samuel Davis!" Mum pretends to huff.

Yes, pretending.
Like I said, we are supposed to act normal infront of him. But on closer look, one would see mum's puffed red eyes, and dark circles showing sleepless nights spent crying. It is an extremely poor attempt in her part to show how normally annoyed she feels. Her eyes gives her away. Although papa doesn't notice.

"Huh!" Papa says. "You're comparing this stupid broth with my lil' queen! You're hideous!" Papa is a humorous man. But today even though he tries to make a joke, something is off about him. I can't really put my finger on what exactly. Although his tone is credibly humorous, his extremely blank and sad contrite tells otherwise.

Probably his health is the reason?

Suddenly his expression changes into that of despair and an abrupt lone tear escapes his eyes.

Shocked I start to ask him what is the matter. Then I meet mum's eyes. She shakes her head, telling me with her eyes to not speak.

Utterly confused I look back at papa.

Tear after tear escapes both his eyes now. He is crying. All I want now is to shoot the brains out of the person responsible for papa's sadness.

"I am sorry..." he says in weakly. His eyes holds a far off look, as he stares outside the window, at the inky black night sky.

"What is wrong papa?" I whisper, reaching out and keeping my hands on his.

He does not respond and keeps looking outside with that far off look filled with so much pain.

"I am so sorry....lil' Queen." he repeats, as his shoulders shake and his weak form breaks into a sob.

In a flash Ethan is gone from behind me. He lowers down beside papa's chair and holds his shoulders protectively - doing what I was craving to do all this while.

Ethan starts to say something, when once again mum shakes her head slowly at him.

Wide eyed, Ethan shuts his mouth. His jaw becomes taut as he clenches his teeth, for not being able to do anything to stop papa's sadness.
Exactly my point.

But why in the world is he apologising to me?

"Papa -"

Mum's glare interrupts me again. I bite my lower lip, restraining my tongue. I need a lot of self-restraint to not open my mouth and console him.

"I am " he takes a deep breath before continuing "so sorry."  Another deep breath. "This is what you get fo-for " another breath "for immorality such as mine." he breaths, before breaking down into another sob.

Partly bewildered and partly angry with myself for not doing anything, I look at mum and then Ethan for help. Mum, has a hard look on her face, eyes fixed at the bowl of broth in her hand. And Ethan looks just as confused as me.

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