Part 2

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   Todoroki was only 10 when it all started. When he found his one true love. When he would find the person he would forever be obsessed with.

    Once again, Todoroki had run away from home because he had a fight with his dad. Only this time his sister had decided to get involved as well. She had said somethings that made Shoto's head really turn. Now all he could do was sit and cry on the park swing.
    He didn't want to go back home because he knew he'd just get another beating for leaving. Along with the fact he didn't want to be home at all. He didn't want to hear what his sister had to say about "family".
    While Todoroki was sitting on the swing crying, all of a sudden another child with green hair had come over and sat on the swing beside him. Todoroki couldn't stop the tears from coming, so when he looked over at the other kid he had tears running down his face. It clearly alarmed the other kid.
   "Are you okay.?" The other kid turned their head slightly as they asked. They looked a bit concerned for Shoto's well-being as any other normal child would be. Shoto didn't know what to say, but he felt so overwhelmed that he just let it all spill.
   "M-my sister says that I have to love my dad just b-because he's my d-dad! B-but, I don't w-want to! I-I hate him!" Shoto rubbed at his eyes as he felt more tears falling down. The other child looked a bit surprised by what Shoto had said.
    "Well... I don't love my dad. I think it's your choice on who you love. That's what my mommy says." The kid grabbed Shoto's hand and gave him a closed eyed smile. In that moment Shoto felt his heart skip a beat. He grabbed the kids hand with both his hands. That was the moment that Shoto had chosen to love this kid.
    "By the way my names Izuku Midoriya!" Before Todoroki could give Izuku his name, Izuku's mother called out to him. Midoriya hopped off the swings and waved goodbye as he ran off.

    Since that day Shoto kept that name and face in his heart. It was in middle school when he actually saw him again. He decided to go to the park that he met Midoriya at. He just so happened to see a green haired boy there. There was no mistaken that that was Izuku Midoriya.
   Since that day, whenever Shoto had the extra time he would follow Izuku. He would wait outside his school for a couple minutes until he got out of classes, or when he would have to walk to school he'd wait outside his house. Of course he'd always make sure he wasn't seen.
   He started to realize that Midoriya was leaving school bloody and beaten sometimes, actually, most of the time. It really worried Todoroki because he only wanted what was best for Midoriya. He couldn't always wait for Midoriya outside of school, but when he was he almost was always hurt. So, he decided to somehow find out who was doing this to him. He just ended up being lucky one day when Midoriya went to a convenience store and got stopped.
When Todoroki saw the person who had been doing this to Midoriya he was enraged. He wanted to beat them bloody, but he knew he couldn't do that in front of Midoriya. He didn't want to scare him. So instead, he just punched him and told him to leave. He would deal with him later of course.
When he talked to Midoriya for the first time in years it felt magical. There were so many things he wanted to say, but he couldn't. All he could do was ask if he was ok and leave. He felt so dumb. He was happy that he at least gave him his name.
After he had spoken to Midoriya, he found out who it was that messed with him. He found out it was someone named Katsuki Bakugo. Just hearing the name made Todoroki enraged. To think someone put their hands on his Izuku.
He found Bakugo and taught him a lesson. Of course he was careful about it. He wore a mask and gloves, but he definitely beat him to a bloody pulp. It was made clear that Bakugo would not go near Midoriya again. After the incident Izuku wasn't coming back home with anymore blood or bruising. It made Todoroki happy to know that they had stopped.
For the next year Todoroki would have somewhat of a schedule. The days he could, he would walk to school with Midoriya. Well, not really with him, more like behind him in the shadows. And the days he could watch him go home he would as well. Of course his schedule was already packed with shit his father wanted him to do, so that was pretty tough on him. He just wanted to be with his sweet Izuku, but the world is cruel.
Eventually, high school showed up. He found out that Midoriya was going to the same school as him. He was ecstatic when he found out. This way he'd be able to see his love everyday. He promised himself he wouldn't miss a day of school just so he could see Midoriya as much as possible.
Of course, he was curious on how Midoriya got in. He wasn't aware that Midoriya could sing, dance, write, or anything like that. He felt kind of disappointed in himself for not knowing. Only the best of the best could get into UA. So, it was clear that Midoriya had some kind of skill.
He tried to tell himself that it didn't matter though. As long as he would get to see Midoriya everyday he would be happy. He could only hope they'd be in the same class. Maybe he could even talk to him. He'd only said a few words to him before and that was around a year ago. It would be great if Todoroki could muster up the confidence to actually speak to Midoriya.

I hope you all liked this chapter!

~Total words 1049~

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