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DOMINIC WAS STARING over his desk with his lifeless eyes, his mind was focused on the woman left him two months and half ago, her beautiful face was messing out his head that he almost forgot that he is in a trial court.

"—When Marine Folaze opened the door, the whole place was a mess, bloods were shattered on the floor as he found his father dead on tiled floor of the messed kitchen, and what horrified him was the knife stabbed on his father's chest." The Plaintiff's Attorney said as somebody shakes his shoulder that woke him up from day dreaming of Jaslynne's beautiful face.

Dominic stared at Duke Folaze's face, his client that was accused by killing his own father.

Dominic stands up and fixed his coat and cleared his throat.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client, Duke Folaze has been wrongly accused of murdering Dzien Folaze. My client has been diagnosed with hemophobia and necrophobia since he was 12. How could a person who has hemophobia and necrophobia could possibly lift a knife to stabbed someone?" Dominic walked with his both hands in his jeans' pocket, Jaslynne's face popped on his mind that made him shook his head and balled his fists inside his pocket.

Hemophobia was a fear of blood while Necrophobia was a fear of dead bodies or dead things.

He cant concentrate defending his client because he keeps on thinking about Jaslynne! He bites his bottom lip before blowing out a loud sharp breath before staring at the plaintiff and smirking coldly.

"Duke Folaze was diagnosed with Hemophobia and necrophobia when his brother Mr. Marine Folaze attempted murdering their science professor years ago, my client loses his consciousness after seeing their professor unconscious and bathing on his own blood," His cold smirk widened when Marine gave him a death stare, "also my client was on his work on April 19, 2020 sharp 6 am to 9 pm and went home 9:38 pm and found his father dead on the tiled floor. He did touch the knife trying to save his father but before could he pull out the knife out of his fathers chest his phobia attacked and lost his consciousness beside his father's dead body—"

"—And how are you so sure he did not killed papa?!—"

He smiled, coldly. "-because on the autopsy results Mr. Dzien Folaze was already dead round one pm sharp."

He saw his friend's father— the judge‐ shook his head before clearing his throat. "Attorney Brandon Davis please call your first witness."

Dominic closed his eyes shut when he remembered Jaslynne leaving again as a glimpse of her entering a plane to leave him permanently entered his mind. Napahigpit ang pagkuyom nya sa kamao at bumuntong hininga.

Matatalo ang kasong hawak nya kung magpapatuloy na pumasok sa isip nya ang masakit na eksenang iyon. Hindi nya nakitang umalis ito pero ang lintik na imagination nya pilit na minumurder ang puso nya.

If he could only file a case against her for murdering his heart he will, so he could have a justice on his broken heart's death.

"I'll call Marine Folaze to the witness stand."

Napakurap-kurap sya ng tumayo si Marine kunot noong sinundan iyon ng tingin bago muling napabuga ng hangin. Lumilipad na talaga ang isip nya. He needs to focus in order to prove that Duke is innocent, because he is really.

"Raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you're about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but truth?" The court reporter said.

Marine stared at him before nodding his head. "Yes."

Yes, my ass.

"Please state your name."

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