You thought that the lake wouldn't be too far, but you were wrong... your lungs were about to burst, your pulse rate was definitely up, you were extremely thirsty and now hungry too...

But both of you were still laughing at the top of your lungs, trying to pull the other person behind you if they went ahead, teasing them if you yourself went ahead.... it was an endless cycle of laughter and panting..

He is such an easy person.. so sweet... so fun to hang out with...what did I ever do to deserve this date Jimin?

Once you finally saw the lake, you picked up speed and ran faster. Jimin was just behind you, the competition was literally neck to neck.. and then you stumbled..

Your foot hit a small stone and you fell, just before you reached the lake and Jimin being very close to you, stumbled with you and fell on top of you..

"You tripped me y/n!!!" Jimin whined, still on top of you "I was about to win"

"Stop lying, I was clearly winning.. I know you purposely kicked the stone in front of me" you said.

He let out an exasperated sigh, "how could I do that?"

You giggled at how cute this boy was acting.. and how badly he wanted to win.. but he still made no effort to get off you..

"Why are you laughing?" he asked, smiling slightly.

"Nothing" you said, lying still under him.

"Oh come on, tell me" he said while smirking.

That's when you pushed him off and started running again.

"Y/n!!!" he shouted, "you traitor" he ran behind you, but you obviously reached first.

"Looks like you're buying me chicken nuggets" you said, between breaths.

"You cheated" he pouted.

You squeezed his cheeks, "you're so cute Jimin" your heart was literally melting.

He smiled, "I know I am, but you're cuter"

"You can butter me all you want but you're still getting me chicken nuggets" you said.

"I honestly thought that buttering you up would work" he said and you punched his arm slightly, "come on, let's sit" he held your hand and dragged you.

You both sat in front of the lake.. the entire scenery seemed so serene, as if it were right out of a fairy tale.. well, so was the angel sitting next to you..The water seemed crystal, so clear, so blue, untouched by humans...

"I'm starving" you announced.

"Yeah me too" he said as he handed you a burger.

You both ate as you asked him about his experience in (your country), while he asked you if you'd ever been to South Korea, you spoke about your favorite movies and books, your hobbies, likes-dislikes..Even though you knew almost everything about him, this Jimin was slightly different from the Kpop idol Park Jimin..

Once you had eaten, you just kept sitting, facing the lake as you saw the sunset..

"You like sunsets don't you?" you asked him.

"Yeah, it's so calm" he said and you nodded.

The sky was changing colors, looking so fascinating.. you had never seen a sunset in your life, but seeing it with Jimin made it extra special..

"It's beautiful" you said, looking at the sky.

"Yeah it is" he said and you turned your head to look at him, only to find him looking at you and completely ignoring the sunset.

He blinked his eyes, "you're unreal y/n" he said.

"Have you sworn to make me blush every time you open your mouth?" you asked him.

"Well, you're responsible for that" he smirked, "who asked you to be this perfect?"

"I could ask you the same thing" you stuck your tongue out at him.

He took your hand and placed a gentle kiss on top of it, "I had a great time with you y/n. Thank you for this amazing date" he said.

"This still feels like a dream Jimin" you said, "I can't even begin to explain how much I enjoyed spending time with you"

"Well, I leave tomorrow" he said and you immediately felt your heart drop, "but my flight's at night..soooo, you wanna meet before I leave?"

"Of course yes" you said, "you don't even have to ask"

He smiled, "come here" he motioned for you to sit closer to him.

You shifted your butt and sat right next to him, he held your head and put it on his chest and kept sitting, looking at the scenery.. it was the most wonderful feeling ever.. a promise that everything would be okay, so soothing, relaxing, tranquil, beautiful...



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