
Start from the beginning

'So that part wasn't a dream.'

"Your mother was just telling me how they found out you were a witch," Remus laughed at the scowl that made its way across her beautiful face. "We were so proud that day, but what else would you expect with two pure blood parents?" Calista grinned and helped Ziggy in plating Christmas shaped cookies.

Y/N rolled her eyes at her mother's use of 'pure blood' and rounded the counter to give Remus a hug. "Happy Christmas, my love," he stared down at her lovingly. She adored the way he looked at her; as if she were a Diamond in a cave full of coal. His treasure.

"Merry Christmas," she emphasized and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"I'm going to go wake up your father, excuse me," her mother told the pair before heading off. "Need help, Ziggy?" She asked the house elf as she reached for a cookie.

The small elf looked up and gave her a small smile before looking over to Remus where the smile fell. "Half breed!" he spat out. Both of them only stared in surprise.

"That's not very nice," Y/N sneered at him and dragged Remus to sit at the table. "I'm sorry about that," she placed a hand on his, looking at him sympathetically. She had no idea why her parents, who despite being 'pure' bloods, had hired such a rude elf. They had never been obsessed with blood status.

"It's not your fault. Don't let him ruin our first Christmas together," Remus reassured her as he noticed the troubled look on her face. Things just weren't adding up in this household that she hardly recognized.

Five minutes later and all was forgotten. They all sat at the large dining table (black of course) and were eating, sharing stories while Frank Sinatra played in the background.

"Little Y/N here would repeatedly set fire to her peers homework. Of course, no one knew it was her, but it was quite obvious," her father laughed. "They deserved it," she grumbled under her breath.

"Oh and that one time she turned the neighbors pumpkin patch into snakes! Gave the poor old lady a fright," her mother chimed in. The tops of her ears turned red as Remus looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Alright I say we go open presents!" She laughed nervously making everyone lightly. She just wanted to avoid any more embarrassment. Plus she just really wanted to open presents like a little kid.

The family moved to the living room where a large fir tree sat, decorated in black and white ornaments flawlessly. It was charmed to look like snow was falling over the tree, coating its small needle-like leaves. Many presents, that were also covered in a light layer of snow, sat under the tree wrapped in surprisingly colorful wrapping paper.

"We wanted your first Christmas with us in years to be special," her mother told her, looking nervous. Her parents could be pains in the asses, but this was such a thoughtful notion that she practically threw herself into their arms. "Thank you," she whispered to them.

"Oh, Calista, don't cry," Malakai scolded his wife, but Y/N could also see his watery eyes which made her laugh. If only all their holidays were spent like this.

Presents were passed around and Y/N was pleasantly surprised to see that her parents had even gifted Remus a few things. She sent them a thankful nod to which the smiled. This was their way of saying they approved- not that she cared if they didn't.

𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝘾𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 • 𝙍𝙚𝙢𝙪𝙨 𝙇𝙪𝙥𝙞𝙣Where stories live. Discover now