Lighting the Fire

Start from the beginning

"Sienna will be under my custody," Ghira said.

"I'd figured you'd say that. Besides, it's probably a good idea," Steel said.

"Why is that?" Sun asked.

"I'm guessing the White Fang would do anything to have her killed if they found out she was here," Allen said.

"You're right. They would," Blake said.

"I guess that's reasonable. But I still don't trust these humans," Sienna said.

"Sienna, I know we aren't treated fairly, but these people wish to help us," Ghira said.

"Very well, but I will be watching them," Sienna said.

"Watch away, Miss Khan," Rebecca said.


White Fang Hideout

Meanwhile in an ominous looking room, Corsac and Fennec stood in front of a painting as they just got a message from Adam.

"Your thoughts?" Fennec asked.

"Are of no significance. If this is how High Leader Taurus wishes to proceed, then we shall make it so," Corsac said.

"Of course, brother. Still-" Fennec gets interrupted as a knock on the door is heard behind them.

"Come in," Corsac called.

The door opens and in came Ilia.

"Sister Ilia, thank you for meeting with us," Fennec said.

"How may I be of assistance?" Ilia asked as she kneeled before the two brothers.

"Please, stand," Corsac ordered as Ilia stood back up.

"We have wonderful news," Corsac said.

"What is it?" Ilia asked.

"We finally received a message from the Mistral brotherhood: Sienna was kidnapped by the unknown military and is presumed dead. Adam Taurus has claimed his place as the High Leader of the White Fang," Fennec explained.

"We won't forget everything she has done for us. And she will be avenged," Ilia said.

"Indeed," Fennec replied.

"Your maturity and understanding in regards to this matter is appreciated, and it is why we've summoned you here this evening," Corsac said.

"The White Fang is experiencing... a transitional period," Fennec said.

"Growth requires change."

"And change can be painful."

"If it's for the betterment of the Faunus, then... it's a pain we can endure," Ilia said. "What's our next mission?"

"News of Adam's ascension has yet to reach Menagerie, but when it does, the citizens of Kuo Kuana will undoubtedly react poorly now that the chieftain has spoken out against us." Fennec explained.

"And would most likely request aid from the unknown military here in Menagerie," Corsac added.

"It's my fault the Belladonnas had any ground to stand on," Ilia said.

"Do not concern yourself with past failures, Ilia. Focus on the future. We have an opportunity for redemption," Corsac said.

"What do you need me to do?" Ilia asked.

"Aside from the unknown military, the Belladonnas are the only remaining threat to Adam's plans," Fennec said.

"And so, they must be silenced..." Corsac said.

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