What was Epic's reaction meeting ds!Cross

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 Epic: So bruh who did you want me to meet?
Cross: So dude I wanted you to meet other me!
Epic: But bruh aren't I also an other you?
Cross: No dude it's me but looks different. 

*teleports ds!Cross to the scene*

Ds!Cross: WHAT'S UP OG ME!!! 

Epic: BRUH WHAT THE BRUH!!! You know what this means bruh?!? Nani he's even human!

Ds!Cross: So are you the Epic skeleton, skeleton me was talking about?*ds!Cross is human in here*

Epic: Yes! Can I call you human bruh!!! *too lazy to think anything*

Ds!Cross: Sure why not!

Cross: So do you like him dude!!!

Epic: Yes bruh! We can make a team or a squad! If that's okay with human bruh.

Ds!Cross: Of course that's a great idea! We could call ourselves the....

All of them: THE MEME LORDS SQUAD!!!

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