Not a trail of dust. An item. Clothing. Nothing, they had nothing to go on. Nothing that could lead them to where he was. It all disappeared on that day, everything he had owned - gone. Gone, gone - GONE! Gone together with him. Reaper had nothing left of him, but the box - the ring he was planning on giving him. The one he was planning on giving him the same day he disappeared.


"We know, Reaper. But. . maybe it's time to move on?
You can't sit here for who knows how long, waiting for someone
who might not even make it back. ."

"No- you don't understand! He's alive, somewhere out there! Alone!
I have to find him- I promised. . I promised I would find him. ."

"*sigh* We will still help you, it's just. . it hurts us all to see you like this.
We all loved him, you know. He was our friend, no one can replace him."

". . I know. I know- but. . He's out there. If anyone is going to find him,
it should be me."

"We won't stop you from it, just. . let us know if you find anything?
Maybe we could help you, even if just a little bit."


A lot has happened since he disappeared, Reaper would have jumped into the void when that AU was created - but he had a balance to take care of and a shimmer of hope towards finding him. It's been so, so long. No one could really explain to the newer AUs what had happened, why Reaper looked so defeated, why the older AUs would look at him with pity and sympathy - why they sometimes asked if there were any updates only to get a shake of the skull and a. . depressed? sigh from the God of Death. No one tried to explain either and if someone asked, they would get told that it wasn't their story to tell.

Until one of the newer ones found a scarf and decided to take it up on the next meeting. The scarf, the ones who knew who it belonged to immediately recognised it, jumping out of their seats and looking towards Reaper. Reaper himself was frozen, staring at the scarf - before he slowly stood up – or floated up, can't really stand up if you weren't actually sitting on the chair in the first place – and walked – again, floated, but that doesn't really matted – over to the skeleton holding the scarf.

"Is it. . ? Is it truly-" Dream had been the one to speak, confusion and hope written clearly on his face. He had been cut off when he noticed a short nod from Reaper, bringing his hands up to his mouth - tears gathering in his eye sockets. "Oh my stars-"

Reaper reached out for the scarf, the red scarf that belonged to - . . to his boyfriend. His phalanges touched the fabric, sensing two weak magic signatures. One belonged to his loved. . no, his was changed, it was manipulated to change. "His magic signature has changed, it wouldn't surprise me if his looks changed as well. The magic that did this. . it feels temporary, like a temporary fix to something." Reaper reported to the ones inside the room, a few gasping at the revelation while a few others were looking on - confusion clear in their eye lights. "Meaning he is out there, somewhere. But this magic. ." the God of Death looked up towards Ink, a frown on his face. "Ink, this magic is similar to the one around Broomie.  And the magic signature coming from him. . it is changing. It almost feels like his magic and. . Annkn'o. . magic. . mixed. ." the last part having been muttered out, while a look of realisation seemed to come over him. He knew where and who he was. Gripping the scarf tighter before raising it and tying it around his neck bones, he turned to look at Dream. "I need to leave, I know where he is. Could you update me later? Dream." Reaper had already gotten his scythe out, getting ready to leave once Dream agreed to fill him in later.

"Of course. Bring him back, alright? We're counting on you." Dream replied with a smile, cheering death on. "Oh! You can take your time, we know how much you've missed him and with how much you love him? You can take the whole week off," he added with a chuckle, before bursting out laughing at the face Reaper gave him. He waved goodbye after the God of Death as he stepped through the rift he had created.

". . . So is anyone going to fill us in on who this 'he' is? Also, what is an. . Annkno?" One of the 'newer' AUs' Sans asked. Ink had stood up and was on his way towards Dream, while a few others who were close because of working on the case followed his lead. A few of them paused to look at who the voice came from, while others ignored the Sans in order to get to the others quicker so that they could talk about what had just happened.

"Well. ." Ink started, awkwardly shifting his eye lights around, "Reaper had. . a lover, a very long time ago. The lover disappeared, but Reaper, or any death related god, had reaped his SOUL, meaning he was still alive somewhere. . this- a lot of us didn't understand this the first decade or so but. . no matter. A lot of us were working on the case to look for them, but nothing came back. We had nothing to go on, until that scarf turned up today. The two of them had a. . code language of sorts. Not a lot of us ever managed to learn it, the only ones who did manage are either on the neutral side or with Nightmare right now. ." Ink finished and resumed walking towards the others, mainly Dream, after he finished half-heartedly explaining. 



"Yeah, sweetheart?"

". . I love you, too.
. . stop smiling so brightly, it looks like the night turned into day. What the fu-"


"Did you have to kiss me?"

"Of course, darling!~ It was an historical moment!
Don't roll your eyes at me young man!


Reaper was both ecstatic and in pain. After he figured out who his beloved had turned into, his SOUL hurt by the mere thought of it. He had hurt him so many times. .
So here he was, standing in the vastness of white. In front of him sits the one he thought he had lost forever. Although Reaper could very well collapse onto his knees and try to beg for forgiveness, he was holding himself up because it seemed that the other skeleton had just remembered a past he had long forgotten and was at the moment looking at Reaper with tears in his eyes.

"Reaps. . ?" And that was all it took to get Reaper to collapse on the ground, bringing his loved one into his embrace while chanting 'i'm sorry's, 'i love you's and 'i missed you's. Not long after, the other also broke down into sobs, clinging onto the one holding him in an embrace.


Finished! Okay so, somewhat ironically, the first one shot in this book isn't even in Error's perspective. It is still somewhat about him though. This is basically a 'what if Error was Geno' and 'what if Error was a Forced God of Destruction'. I enjoyed writing this one shot, but boy did it take some time haha.

Also! Caesar Cipher key 22 ;) ~
Underlined words that are in between the actual story *cough* are words that wasn't said exactly in that way, but in their decoded form, an example of this is;  Kirs!~
 Hope it isn't too confusing.

Word count; 1880.

Added as an after thought
Words in Caesar Cipher;

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