Andys A Flower Girl

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Six Months later
I watch as Andy sprinkles the daisies as she walks towards me. Infinity was an orphan who aged out of the system. Her teacher is here who helped her get a scholarship and pushed her into family law. She takes the money making cases to do the pro Bono family cases. This was another reason Ana hired her. I look at my niece and her husband Christian standing at the altar with me and the minister. I gave into a big to do for infinity since she asks for so little I gave it to her after my mom reminded me of her humble beginnings. The total cost of the wedding was two thousand dollars. I was prepared for a hundred grand. Carla spent nearly that on our wedding and it was no where near the quality this one is.
I am so lucky to have all these people in my life. Regina made me feel very wanted and so did Ana and then my soon to be husband. Ray
I am thrilled to walk Infinity to the groom and get them married. Ana and Christian ran off to get married after their engagement was announced and their lives were hell for over a month. The paparazzi followed them everywhere. So I was upset, but understood why they took off and got married. They took Andy to Disneyland and got married there. They had pictures taken. Andy was thrilled. But she missed her brothers Allen and Fred, named after her friends at the childcare CPS took her to. Ingrid understood but insisted that a party be given and t was one hell of a party. Kids everywhere and an engagement announcement along with a marriage. Then the best news a baby announcement,
I watch as my family enjoy a wedding and see Elliott and Kate noting everything. Mom and dad hope Elliott finally settle down and marry. Kate adopted a beautiful set of five year old blonde blue eyed twin boys. Joseph and Nathan Kavanagh. Elliott had no idea she adopted since he had been in New York for a month for a green training for construction and architecture designs. Ray sold his company to Christian and Elliott. He has his hands full these days. He is a new father. Ingrid gave him a son and a daughter. A month ago. Ruth and Thomas Steele are wearing him out. Ana's baby bump is just noticeable.
I am so tired, apparently I have clients who only have issues at three am. I tried to explain to them I have to sleep, but it hasn't gotten through to them. Mia is right the baby bump is showing. Christian got a ready made family and created one to join in the fun. Hell I can't find the time to create one with Mia. I lean over and kiss her and say let's go create. She laughs and we ask mom to watch the twins.
Ethan has been worn out and it's all because of the three am caller. Something tells me it's a female and she's being manipulative and calling to break up possible sexual situations between Ethan and I. Of course he can't divulge anything regarding the patients. Mom said he needs to remove himself from the case if it is causing problems. Ethan leads me into a guest room at Reginas, it's one we have stayed in before when we're to tired to drive after one of her parties. He closes and locks the door and smiles. Finally alone at last and no kids.
I help her out of everything and she helps me. We finally are going to try for that baby when someone knocks at the door.
I can't figure out why someone called me to get hold of Ethan, but it's an emergency so I go find them and hate intruding on them. Her answering service won't tell me who the patient is. I know it better not be the one who calls every time he tried to create my next grandchild.
I just shake my head when Grace tells me that it's for Ethan an emergency. I tell her to say she can't find him and give it to him later.but she can't. But she goes to their usual room here at Reginas. I hope he gets rid of this patient. I am worried about him and Mia. Something is wrong about all of this. He told his service he wasn't available and have them talk to someone else. Whoever it is is now calling Grace. I think we need to find out who it is and fast. I mean three am calls and now this. I wonder what else the patient has done.
Grace tell them the patient was told not to bother me today or I send her to another doctor. Tell the answering service they are fired. We will be down in an hour or so.
I guess you heard that? Dr Kavanagh gave the patient a choice I wouldn't have and he said you are fired and forward his calls to his office at the hospital.
Smith Answering services
I hate losing his business, but this person is very scary. I am going to have to call the cops on the person. Tell him we didn't give them your private number, but the patient got it. By the way damage was done to our offices and cars. So the patient is violent.
Well crap, I need to talk to Carrick, Christian, Taylor and Ray about this situation. Security needs updated and we need to know exactly who this patient is.
Mom looks frightened and I think we should find out what's going on. Ana is busy with Andy and the twins, so I tell her I need to talk to mom.
Grace is pale and headed towards me. It's bad I just know it. That damn patient again.

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