Mias Arch Enemy

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After the Answering Service told Grace what happened we are back at the safe house again. Whoever it is, is trying to destroy our marriage and they definitely have it in for me. Ethan has guards with him now and on his doors. Grace has them as well. Ethan won't take calls from the patient. He had his PA give them another drs number.
I have left my old number on and gave my new number only to family and friends. My PA won't give it out. Leila Williams is a patient that has serious issues, but became obsessed with me and thought more than therapy was going on. After I told her she should see someone else, she said she would. That's when she started calling and suggested my wife was why we couldn't be together. I explained that we were never going to be together to begin with. I pretty much told her to find another psychiatrist because I was not going to treat her any longer. After her destruction on New Years I filed restraining orders against her and got a new number. Carrick is filing them for all of us and now Mia is staying at the safe house with the twins again. I have body guards on me and my PA. Leila has been served and tried to contact me anyway. The voice mails are still coming in and each one gets worse. I have only been treating her for about six months, so I am unsure why she fixated on me at all. I am reviewing her past records and I am going to have to find out why she changed psychiatrist. Unfortunately they wouldn't tell me anything due to patient confidentiality issues. Of course we didn't secure a release from her for her previous records hadn't been given to us. Apparently she said she didn't want her previous records to taint current and future doctors opinions. Red flags went up and I had to make a call. Taylor and Ray have sources. It didn't take long to uncover some very disturbing things about Leila Williams. Apparently she has a history of this kind of behavior and attended schools with Mia. Because of Hippa I couldn't talk about Leila to anyone. Now we can press charges against her. I now know she targeted me and knew I couldn't say anything. Now I can prove she is possibly insane and is after Mia and me as the trophy. Her parents were very talkative and signed releases for her early records. Now if we can get the doctors to release them. But now we know and we can take actions to prevent her from getting near any of us.
I can't get near Ethan and Mia has disappeared with the twins. I have noticed a guy popping up everywhere I go. I decide it's time to get my man. I mean after all she seems to have left him and taken the kids. I slip away from the guy who keeps popping up.
Ryan Reynolds
After getting a text from Fredericks saying miss Williams has slipped away from him and he thinks she's headed to her target. I am here with him now. Get help, because she has lost us before and he has clients coming and going in here. I am going to have him cancel the clients for the week and pretend to be a client. Call Leslie and have her come up so we can put her at the PA s desk make sure she is armed. Bring a vest for her.
I load my gun and watch as the PA instructs me how to use the intercom. I already had a vest on. Nice to know they worry about their partners. I sit here getting bored and suddenly the door opens and a thin brunette dressed to kill or seduce a man walks in and asks to see dr Kavanagh.
Who the heck is this? Where is the regular PA? She says the other PA had a family emergency and left, and they called her in.
Do you have an appointment? After she says no but it's an emergency and she needs to see dr Kavanagh. I explain that he is booked solid. She says she will wait and see if he will see her. I inform dr Kavanagh who is safely in another room and Fredericks is in the office.
I position myself behind the door and I hear the dr say he will see her and I stand behind the door as Leslie leads her inside. I turned the desk chair to face away from anyone entering the office to think the dr is still in the chair. Leslie said she seems to be carrying a gun. I have my gun ready and the cuffs as well. By being here she is in violation of the restraining orders.
I head into the office and something is off, I see Ethans chair has the back to the door. He usually greets his patients at the door. I close the door and reach for my gun, suddenly I feel hands on me and grabbing the gun from me. The guy who was popping up is standing before me taking the gun and my purse and he suddenly has m hands behind my back and I am cuffed. He site me on the sofa and dials his phone.
I am called and asked to join them in my office and Leila is cuffed and the police are on their way. They tell me she had a loaded gun and pulled t it when she shut the door, so she had plans to either take me or shoot me. The cops come and we show the restraining orders and explain what and the security people tell them they were hired to assure my safety. They say well you definitely needed it, because I know this lady from a recent issue and we should have taken her ins, but she had a plausible reason for her actions. They take her out and give back the cuffs and place their own on her. She tries to explain everything, after they read her Miranda. I sit down in my chair and breathe easier.
Ethan called and said Leila is arrested and he is on his way home.

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