The Steeles Meet The Greys

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I asked Ray to come to my h9me to do some work and to see if he could create some things for my office and Graces office as a Christmas present it is something she has wanted since we bought this house. She want some built ins for her office, the library, den and my office. She wants a bigger closet for her and Mias dresses and shoes. We are attending a lot of events now and she needs to have access to a variety 8n her closet and soon Mia will need it as well. Who knew a ten year old female would be such a fashionista. Simone tells me the Steele's have arrived and lead them inside my office. Ana is behind Ray and Ingrid, I smile and she smiles back I introduce myself and Ray tells Ana I am the one who did the paperwork to get her adoption for Ray and we are getting her adopted by her new step mom so she will be her mommy. She shakes my hand and says thank you mr Grey. Her huge blue eyes must be her real fathers, they aren't Carlas. But the dark curly hair is Carla. Ingrid is like ten years his junior he is 45 but looks 35 ish. She looks like a teenager unless you look closely at her. We get the papers out of the way and then I show them what I want done in each of the rooms and Ray says he can do all of it. For the builtins they will need most if not all the furniture moved out of the room and he has a crew that can do that.
I see a big truck in the driveway and it says Steele Solutions Inc We build after you do. Custom work. Carrick said he wanted a few things done and looks like he is starting on it all. The kids are out and walking toward the house when a lady with a very beautiful little girl the age of Mia walk out with a man and Carrick walking towards us. The girl hides behind the man and the lady. She peeks out and the kids watch as the lady and man introduce themselves and Ray and Ingrid Steele and the girl is Anastasia Steele. Mia walks up and smiles and tells them she is Mia Grey. Elliott and Christian introduce themselves. Elliott is checking out the truck and the tools on it. He asks all kinds of questions telling mr Steele he would be interested in learning from him if he has the time.
I can't believe this, I might be able to learn some construction things from this guy. Dad said he would be here soon, but this soon is perfect. I am off all summer and can work for him if he allows me to.
I might see if I can join in on the fun, to keep busy. Mia has become friends with Anastasia already they are walking around the grounds. She seems rather shy. Dad has us join him and mr Steele to do some measuring and chatting on exactly what they want done to the house. Mom and Mrs Steele have headed into the house where Simone is working. Simones daughter Gretchen is in the kitchen as usual. She has a crush on me and I am uncomfortable being in the room with her. I listen and then ask about the costs and everything and dad smiles and says he is bartering legal work for some of the work. Mrs Steele says that she is adopting Ana as her own daughter so if anything happens to either Ray or Carla she will be her mother by law. Plus she doesn't want Ana in foster care if Carla tries to reassert her parental rights in court down the line. It turns out mr Steele adopted Ana and now he wants his current wife to have the same legal rights as he has to Ana. Her biological mom is not a good parent.
Ana and Mia are getting along great. Grace and I watch as they play together and chat. Ana hasn't made many friends and her mother keeping her isolated all the time for 4 years. Has left its mark on her. I tell Grace a few things and she tells me that all her kids are adopted as well. Christian had the hardest time, but with therapy he has changed a lot. At first he didn't talk and wouldn't allow anyone to touch him. They found just the right person to work with and now he has very little issues with being touched. It seems like we have a few things in common. She invites us to dinner and we accept and have a good time. Grace and I think Ana will thrive with the right friends.
New people scare me, because of Morton. He traumatized me in ways I could never tell my dad. Mom decided to give me up to Ray because she thought Morton was a bit too obsessed with me. She was right, he tried to molest me one day when he dropped by. At three I didn't understand it all. So I screamed and mom came running into the restroom and he stopped what he started trying to do.
I like Ana, she seems very nice. She is quite shy and standoffish. But after a bit she was more comfortable and I took her for the full tour around the yard and my room along with other peoples room. We look inside and then we find dad, her dad, Elliott and Christian all listening to what mr Steele well be dong in my room. A huge walk in closet is a nice thought and a deal built into the extra space as well. I look at the design and then ad a few ideas for different way to find my shoes too.

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