Kate Moves Out

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You know when I got an anonymous text showing Elliott in a BDSm club I made arrangements to move out. Christian was with him. Elliott didn't tell me a thing and Ana was sent the same text with photos as well showing them both entering and leaving the club. It showed Gretchen and Lily arriving. With Christian and Elliott standing in the background. I moved into Ana's home on the sound. She has stopped talking to Christian and Elliott. Mia is too pregnant to cope with all f this. Christian failed at stopping all media on this event. So Ana and I are being hounded as well as all the Grey family. Ana's place has great security and no one can get to it because it's on the Steele's company back lot which belongs to Ana. Because of all the press this is the easiest way. Mia is hiding out here as well.
I am very angry at Christian and now because of all of this my dates have all cancelled on me due to the bad media on all of it. Until this blows over we are living in my home that very few know about. I have dates pick me up at mom and dads house. I still need to run my company. With the logo I decided that it stays and Steele Independent Publishing will be the new name. I had several meetings with workers and all but a few were on board with my ideas. A few were balking and they attempted to run the meeting. I made myself very clear that my company not yours. I run it and own it. When you buy your own company you can run it your way. I hired people who are going to be my eyes and ears in the company and they all report to me and each have a different project everyday. Then I have the others go and do the same reports on their projects and they have no idea what the other is saying or working on. Then I have hired a person for each department that are the grunts of the area. Security needs upgraded and it's being installed after hours and where no one suspects. The place had issues and still does. So I am the only one who can okay and sign for expenditures. Payroll will be evaluated and an audit of every account and expense will be done again. The three who were trying to run the meeting will be audited firs5 and they will not be allowed any miscellaneous expenses. The numbers on the miscellaneous expenses were unreasonable.
I miss my home, but as pregnant as I am I need to be careful and the paparazzi were just too much and my safety and my baby's safety were in question. So Ethan asked if I could stay here until everything dies down. Of course Ana agreed with him and my sister in law. Ethan has patients that require him to be closer to the hospital. So here I am with my sister in law and our friend because of some feud long forgotten, well not so forgotten by the person who instigated it. Just a group of people who felt being snubbed by my family gave them the right to defame my brothers good name by setting them up to go into a BDSM club and get caught. Taylor had no idea otherwise he would have stopped it. Lily and Gretchen have sunk to an all time low. Mom had a word with Simone about the situation, but she said Gretchen will not admit to setting Christian and Elliott up. Mom told her she understood, but Gretchen can no longer be allowed on any of the Grey or Steele properties. Which means Gretchen will need to find a new job, because she violated the NDA. Lily on the other hand hadn't, because she isn't employed by Grey or Steele. I knew those two would be an issue, well I have dirt on them and it's time to fight fire with fire. I dial Lily and inform her that if you doesn't rescind her lies I will have a word with her parents and her trust fund goes bye bye. Then that leaves Gretchen, I happen to know what her apartment has in it and if Taylor times his visit he can discover just how obsessed she really is with Christian. Two hours later Lily has made a call, but that's not enough for me. She is to make sure all involved are made to pay and it must be recorded and released publicly. Kate can help get this done along with Taylor. Lily agrees to all of it. Including nailing Mrs Lincoln to the cross. It took a week, but with help the paparazzi are now hounding Mrs Lincoln and her boy toys and Gretchen has lost her cushy job at GEH. The boy toys lost their jobs as well. Lily had to wait for any more of her trust fund. Her parents made her get a job. She couldn't get a job with an art appreciation degree. Not in Seattle at least, so she took any job she could get. When her application hit one of Ana's Editors desks he tried to slip it past HR but the receptionist gave Ana a heads up. Since Lily knew she was not allowed on Steele property per the restraining orders in place. The cops removed her and Ana had words with mr Jack Hyde. Jack made the huge mistake that because Ana was tiny in stature he could bully her. She told him he was on thin ice as it was. I guess her audits of each departments expenses had uncovered some interesting bookkeeping. The person in Hr no longer has power to hire Hyde's suggested people. Especially since he placed Lily in the accounting area. She didn't have time to do as Hyde asked her to do. She was escorted off the premises and the cops gave her a ride to jail. Hyde made a huge mistake, when he stormed into Ana's office. Her dad was waiting there looking at videos he had of Hyde and Mrs Lincoln in a conversation about how to destroy bot the Grey and the Steele family from within and by setting them up in compromising situations.
Dad told me to hold off firing that prick Hyde until we got the goods on and we finally got more than we could have hoped for. But we still need to get more in Mrs Lincoln and we have plans to do that.
Well look at that my Ana has made a lot of money and so has Ray. I think it's time to remind her of her gave birth to her.

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