Burned At The Stake

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I am walking to get some food, when I hear there she is, look at her she has a lot of nerve staying in Seattle. Carla you really are not wanted in Seattle, you should just leave now. I can't believe I signed a release giving them the freedom to release those recordings. I should have known it would backfire on me. Three of them ganged up on me and the reporter was a dear friend of theirs. They had that on tv and in the media within 24 hours and they didn't edit a word. I can't believe I was asked to leave GEH and then escorted out physically. I had hoped to get some money to keep my mouth shut. After they pretty much made me look like a villainous snake in the grass, no one is going to believe me. I was a good mother, so what if I expected Ana to do things for me when I went out and worked hard. So what if she stayed alone when I couldn't afford a sitter. She survived by being independent. Walking at seven months she learned quickly to get mommy this and that. Her microwave skills were good and she learned to be careful of hot things.
Hmm this might be a way to make the Grey's pay. I make my way to a very distraught Carla Johnson Ana Steele's mommie dearest. I make my way to Carla and introduce myself. She tried getting to Christian as well, she was not just asked to leave she was escorted out yelling that the Grey's would regret not listening to her.
This blonde bimbo actually believes she looks hot in an outfit made for a twenty something and worn as evening wear not daywear. She actually introduces herself as Elena Lincoln. I know who she is, Morton told me somethings about Seattle's underground sex clubs and she is in real deep into them. I really don't want to get involved with her. But I might play along so I can get some blackmail material on her and get fast cash and leave. I accept her invitation to lunch, let's see just how far I can push this. I indicate my money is in short supply and don't have any to spare. She buys lunch and drives me to the dump hotel I am living in.
Elena Lincoln
Hmmm I offer to let her stay in my guest room until she gets on her feet. She looks good for her age, so I offer her a job at my salon so she can make money just in case. Plus it puts her where she can be watched. Plus she will make for great rumor mill conversations.
Thomas Sawyer Security
I have been assigned to keep an eye on Elena Lincoln, when I spot another guy and a gal looking like they are following the brunette. I do a nod and a point to my eye. They do it back. Universal sign we are on the job and keeping an eye on someone. When we both end up at a seedy hotel we get a moment to converse. They tell me they were hired to watch Carla Johnson. Their shift ends soon so two new people change out. Their attire would fit in most any place. Unlike mine, I tell them I am following Elena Lincoln which say it makes sense for me to wear my outfit.
Fiona Ramsey
I hate following Carla she makes me ill. I have to follow her into the ladies rooms. Jake thinks it's funny, I hope he gets a nasty guy soon.
Jake Simmons
I listen and we compare notes and do our call ins. Of course we can't discuss our bosses, but it's obvious who we work for. Grey and Steele. Then we see the others, these are people I don't know at all. We all separate and watch as two very scary looking guys pound on the door that Elena Lincoln and Carla Johnson went into. I call in as Fiona watches as the guys shove their way into the hotel room. This isn't going to end well.
Fred Jones
My boss isn't happy about the way Carla left and owing him a ton of cash. Now he hears from sources in Seattle she is making a mess and he wants to have it fixed. When his friends told him who she was visiting and seen with he wants her back now. Even if he has to drag the blonde pedophile back with her.
Oscar Smith
Man I would love to teach these two women a lesson about using men. But when I heard blonde bimbo liked young boys as young as 12. I had a word with the boss about a certain story I heard and they never got to the bottom of it yet. I think we found the problem and I think a perusal of her home and office would either bring to light or just get one pedophile off the streets. He gives me and Fred the okay.
Please don't take me back yet. We are working on something to get big money.
Do you know these goons? Well it's time for me to leave. Good luck Carla. I try to get past and head to the door when the guy pulls his gun and says oh no Elena, my boss wants us to check out your home and salons.
Carla, Carla you keep finding the scum don't you. Morton and now this piece of trash. Elena your name came up in a certain investigation regarding a very sizable 12 year old who was raped by an unknown perp. They are still treating him for trauma from what we don't know. But I am starting to believe you know exactly how it happened. You see when you set up the Grey's you brought unwanted attention to a certain club and certain people liked that club for him to remain anonymous in the BDSM circles. He now has you on a certain list and you need to make amends. But first we need a tour of your home and salons.
You can either go nicely or go out another way. I prefer quietly, but the other way could be real fun. I don't mean sexually, because you two have too many notches on your diaphragm for my taste and I don't cheat on my wife of ten years. Actually this is how I met her, but she was a victim, you two are the victimizers. Okay play nice.
I had no idea that's how you met Mary. Come on you two grab everything and give us your keys. I call my backups in and tell them to meet in the parking lot. Oh and let's allow a certain following. It's all good. Yes just drive normally and allow them to catch up. No hard comes to them okay?

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