A New Place A New Day

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Steele Solutions Inc
Raymond Steele
The new place worked out great, we bought land for our home right next to the land with the trees and buildings that we created our workshops and manufacturing areas. We outbid Lincoln Lumber for the properties. Well to Richard Lincoln we did, the seller had no intentions of selling his properties to anyone named Lincoln. He and his wife wouldn't explain, but we got a great deal on the original properties and he made us an offer to sell two other properties along with the originals to assure Lincoln couldn't get it.
Elliott Grey
I worked hard and so did Christian, but he worked and helped Ray expand quicker than everyone thought he could. I enrolled in college to become a contractor and I still did work with Ray to get my name out there and he didn't mind, because it brought in more jobs for the company. I already know the name of my company and Ray and dad have helped me get it out there and as along as I get my architectural degree they will both help me get started. It will be a slow start, but once I have my licenses and degree the land and building will be ready for me to work from. Christian helped with that acquisition numbers wise.
Dad, Ray and Ingrid found out I was good in the business office and acquiring properties and expanding Steele Solutions Inc. Ray invested in my ideas and I got ahead of the game and Grey Enterprise Holdings Inc. is no longer a dream, but becoming a reality. Dad insisted I go to Harvard to get my degree, but saw I didn't really need it after I bought and sold several companies and even had to hire my own staff and all this was done with dad and Rays help. I paid them back with profits made after a year. They were both very proud of me.
I feel like my brothers are miles ahead of me. Even Ana has her idea of what direction she wants to go in and that is becoming a publisher and a writer. She is already taking college courses along with her classes. I am floundering a bit, but mom and Ingrid have redirected my negativity into more positive thoughts on my future and Ana has given her input as well. She had Ray hire me for my cooking abilities and my planning of parties. Ana knew how much I loved creating party ideas and food to serve and after my first nerve wracking professional party for Steele Solutions Inc I was asked to throw a party and hire a Santa and Mrs Santa Claus for a Christmas party. I found out that Ana and Christian had something in common, they had no idea who Santa and Mrs Claus . Neither of them knew anything about Santa until their adoptive parents had taken them to see them. They were both just turned four and had all kinds things going through their minds. Of course Christian conveyed this much later and was worrying about Santa's safety when he came down the chimney because of the fire in the fireplace. Ana on the other hand could voice her concerns early with Ray, her mother never wanted Ana to know about Santa ever. Apparently Ana did without and Carla enjoyed nice things. She would get mad if Ana got new shoes or clothing even when she wore them out. Ray adopting Ana was the best thing he had ever done. Dad helped him get an air tight adoption and he made sure Carla signed over all her fights to Ana to Ray in the divorce. I had no idea and Ana gets shaken when I ask her questions about her biological mom. Ingrid explained later about everything that happened with Carla and Morton. After that I don't ask about Carla for any reason.
I explained things to Mia and she understood and we had to calm Ana down and take her home and let her sleep. She has nightmares about the day Morton and her mom tried to kidnap her. I am glad Ray thought to put panic buttons in each room of the house that alerted him to dangerous situations. He immediately grabbed his guns and saved the day. No one knew the extent of trauma Ana felt from that event. Her fears are justified by that one event and we found out later that Morton was a pedophile and we think Ana felt his bad intentions towards her. Her nightmares flare up when anyone brings up Carla or Morton. Ray keeps track of Carla and Morton. Carla got rid of Morton after her put her in the hospital yet again. Ray won't tell me any of the specifics, but Morton was not a good man even to his own children. Ray taught me how to shoot and Ana as well. We both know how to defend ourselves as well. We also made sure Ana was taken care of and not her taking care of us. Carla would make her cook and clean the house and wait on her hand and foot. When he hired me we changed all of that and Ana again panicked when she felt she was being replaced. Poor baby was inconsolable. So I included her in all household chores, we became very close after that. Not long after that Ray and I married and now she calls me mom and called me mommy for a while. Now she is truly my daughter blood or not. My love for her never wavers and I hope hers is the same. Ana and her dad ate horribly until I came into their lives and made sure they ate well. I mean Ray is well off and could afford to eat and live well. So I made sure they both did. Santa was whole other matter, Ana had never known about him thanks to Carla. Ray and I took her to see Santa and explained Christmas Day. Mia told me about Christian and his history with Christmas and Santa as well. I can understand some of Christians issues about it, but Ana's was just her having a selfish mother.
I have to admit Ray did great work on the house and the desk and Elliott and Christian was introduced to the workforce and it was great and we learned their strengths and weaknesses. We got both of them started in their own businesses by way of Steele Solutions Inc. Grey Construction Co and Grey Enterprise Holdings Inc. Both came to fruition with my and Rays assistance. Mia also found her niche in the world by way of being reminded she is a great cook and party planner. Ana had Ray hire her for any parties he threw and from there her Grey Party Planning and Catering grew.. Ana became her own publisher with help from her mom and dad. Her first book made a lot, but didn't make the best seller list. Her second book Santa Who? Made the best seller list and is in the third printing and she's getting offers to make it a movie.

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