Christians Reality

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I can't believe I am here in this run down apartment, I can't feed or protect my son from my pimp and drug dealers. I just can't believe I have nothing for him. He will be better off without me.
I watch as they take my mommy away from me. I think mommy, mommy don't take my mommy from me please. I am strapped into some device with a seat and belts. I want my mommy. I am asleep and they pick me up and I am in an awful smelling place with white walls. Everyone is saying things and all kinds of noise around me. They try to take my blanket and cars from me and touch me. I fight them and hide from them.
Dr Grace Grey
I was called down to the pediatric ward for a special case. I walk in and there he is scared and fighting anyone who tries to touch him. I spend hours and finally he eats what I hand him and he drinks. It's like he hasn't been given anything to eat in a while. He was found sitting by his dead mother and no one has came for him. That's how we ended up with our newest child. Carrick and I adopted him. He doesn't talk and nothing is wrong with him to prevent him from talking. It Took the arrival of Mia our third adopted child when he was six years old for him to talk. We got him when he was four. He soon caught up to his correct height and weight for his age.
I went to live with a nice family, well nice except a cruel older foster boy named Jack. Visitors day he threatened the other foster kids with a beating if they showed their faces. He was determined to be adopted by the visitors. But none were interested because of his bad behavior and his mother wouldn't relinquish her parental rights. The Dr and her husband only visited me and they noticed the bruises from Jack hurting me. I finally was taken to their home permanently.
I keep talking and talking, but Christian has not spoken, mom and dad explained it all to me and I have been showing him toys and how to play. Mom and dad say he doesn't like to be touched. I saw the burns and understand why.. Christian is smart, he just doesn't talk. We build things and play cars and color. Sports with him is a bit difficult. The biggest surprise was at Christmas time. He had no idea who the guy in the big red suit and beard, he refused to sit on Santa's lap at all. I asked Santa for everything including Christian to start talking to us all. I didn't get my wish. Santa said he wasn't sure he could make that wish a reality. Christian saw that Santa was nice to all us kids, but still wouldn't get close to him. Mom and dad told us the night before Christmas and Christian looked at the book in amazement.
I looked at the man in the red outfit and all the kids trusted him. He gave Elliott a candy cane to give me. Elliott had his picture taken with him. Apparently he is Santa Clause and he brings gifts to everyone especially children on December 25. That is also Jesus birthday. Mom explained church to me when I started going. I stayed by their side through it all. My very first real Christmas was with the Grey's. I watched as I was handed something with bright colors and mom and dad showed me how to open the items they gave me. The tree was beautiful and all bright and shiny. I had a sock looking thing full of different items hanging by what was called a fireplace. Each and names on them. Mom showed me my name and the big sock with all kinds of things. They said Santa brought them in the night and he came down the chimney like the story said. I looked at the fire in the fireplace and worried about his safety. But who is Santa Clause and why does he bring things to people and risk getting burned in the fireplace. Now if I could just get the words to come out so I could get these questions answered. I started worrying about Santa and hoped he was okay. He brought me all kinds of nice things in colorful paper. Elliott and I had a good time. We had people called grandma and grandpa come by and bring things they said Santa had dropped by their home for all of us. He had mixed up the houses. Apparently he does that a lot, because he left gifts to them at our home too. Mom said it was because he wants the family to be together and this is how he does it. We attend church and head home. I think I like Santa Clause. He did give me a lot more than my letter asked for that mom helped me write to him. Elliott was a bit disappointed that he didn't get everything he asked for.
Santa let me down in the fact Christian isn't talking yet. So I will have to ask God and him for the same thing next year and wish on a shooting star. Mom knows why I am a bit disappointed and smiles at me and rubs my head and says he will talk when we least expect it. Little did I know that he would do just that and only after we found ourselves with a baby sister named Mia.
Elena Lincoln
I look over the three brats of my neighbors and still introduce myself to who I recognize as Dr Grace Grey. I saw her in the society columns and thought she would be a good way to gain entry into the upper echelon of Seattle's society. Her husband is quite attractive, much more than mine. I only married him for his money, because otherwise he is useless.
Oh good Lord I heard this woman was making the rounds and introducing herself to the cream of Seattle's society. I also heard she flirted with several of the husbands as well. I am glad Carrick is not here, because he can't stand people like her and her husband. I suddenly hear Christian cry out Mia and I run and find she was about to fall into the pool. The gate had been opened by Elliott and he forgot to shut it back. Christian said his first word and it was in order to save Mia. After that he started talking a lot more. I blame Elena and Elliott for distractions and praise Christian for saving Mia. I tell Elena I am sorry, but I need her to leave so I can make the kids a snack and put Mia down for a nap. She tried to invite herself in, but I didn't want to entertain her. Because she was intruding on my day with the kids and Mia could have been hurt.
I was the one who opened the gate around the pool. But Elliott took the blame because he was the last one around it.

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