A Wedding

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I am the best man at Roger and Jackie's wedding. Grace never thought I would do it, but I arranged their meeting and they and the kids were like missing parts of each other's lives. After six months and two tiny riffs we are here where I introduced them. Grace was thrilled that they asked to use her home to get married at. I am in a ladies tux standing as Rogers best man. The boys are by us in tuxes as well the two girls were flower girls. Kate was a bridesmaid. It was a great day. Jackie was so happy the kids added their new parents name to theirs. Davidson and Jones. I got all kinds of hugs from new friends asking me to fix them up to. The Jones and Davidson families thanked me for getting these two together. Now they had more grandchildren. I had to go cry, because I was thinking about Ray and my not giving him grandchildren. He couldn't join us because he wasn't feeling well. Ingrid said he's been working way too much and needs to retire. The Carla debacle took its toll on him. My mom took a toll on everyone she met. Regina bought a home n Seattle so she and Douglas could be closer to me
You are thinking about Ray aren't you?
Yes, I just wished he felt better. He needs to retire. I think if he had grandkids he would.
Look at Carrick he has two and hasn't slowed down a bit. So give yourself a break. I have a huge ask for you. If I weren't at an age when I want to retire and travel, I would adopt this child. But I am, I am just asking you to think about it. I know you created a day care at SIP and Steele Solutions and even hired some incredible people to care for the children. From what I have learned GEH has followed suit and so has Grey Construction. The children excelled in school after being in those day care facilities. Word is out about the success of those centers. So much they have followed suit at the hospital. But anyway I want you to meet this child. She looks like you actually. She doesn't know we are trying to get her adopted. Interested?
When do you want to do this?
Tomorrow, Carrick has the paperwork ready we just haven't put a name on the parents place yet. So let's go meet her now. N one will miss us.
I walk in and Grace leads me to a tiny girl sitting in a chair facing the corner holding a book and a teddy bear. The caretaker tells Grace that Andy had a temper tantrum over her bear and book. One of the bigger kids took them away from her. They pointed at a boy twice her size being treated for two black eyes and a cut.
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I tell Grace Andy did all that before I could stop her, but she got her bear and book back. He didn't know what hit him. I told him a tornado called Andy took her book and bear back. She's normally very good, but those are all she has left of her family. Mom gave her the book and dad gave him the bear. His name is Charley after her dad. Susan and Charley were orphan who married once they aged out of the system. You heard about the human trafficking, they fell victims to it and the babysitter brought Andy in when she saw the parents died. No relatives at all. I will introduce you as a friend of Dr Grey's and it is in your hands, but please do this only if you are going to adopt her.
I am introduced to Andy and it's like looking at me at that age. She knows how to read and write and asks all kinds of questions. I started the paperwork to be me her mother. I get certified as a foster parent. It takes two months and visits and inspections of my home and family and friends. But Andy is now Andy Louise Freeman Steele. We threw a party for her first day as my daughter. Ray retired so he could play grandpa. Ingrid was thrilled to be a grandmother. They watch her while I go to work. Regina has become a great grandmother and she loves it.
I have a feeling about Andy, she looks so much like Ana. I have a DNA test done. It turns out Andy is Ana's niece. I decide to test for my relationship to her. I wasn't related to her. Now I am concerned, but I am going to let it go for now. I don't want to think that my husband cheated and had a child with that tramp Carla. But I know both were whores. So let's see the parents were 21 the time frame fits. We had huge problems over a certain female being pregnant. He paid her off and never spoke of it again. I never knew the females name and didn't want to know. He said she just got rid of the baby,I assume she aborted it. Now I think she just had it like she did with Ana and got rid of the baby. We don't know and Carla doesn't need to know about any of this. But I am going to get to the bottom of this soon. I know someone who could get the DNA easily and have fun at Carlas expense. I send my own pet snake. He loves this kind of job and gets paid very well. Ana doesn't know Andy's her niece yet. So Jimmy slithers into Carlas life, gets the DNA and has his fun while we wait for the test. Three days later she is a mother. She had a child by my son and my husband. I hate cheaters. Both were married at the time. Jimmy is now hiding from Carla. Apparently they both are very fertile, she's pregnant with twins. I am paying him to keep her happy so he can get those kids from her when they are born. Even if they aren't his, she doesn't want or need them. I had an attorney help me arrange for the babies be adopted. I think Ana deserves to have her siblings. I don't like it but Carla only knows greed. Jimmy is being paid well for his slithering.

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