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Allen Ford
The kid luckily had ID in his billfold and we called his parents to meet us at a dr that specializes in children and molestation cases. I and a police officer arrived at the drs office the parents were already there. I explained that we were building a case against a pedophile. I ask them to give the okay for a medical examination and to question their son.
Miles Sanderson
You believe he was molested by someone?
Angie Sanderson
Omg. Who is it!
I can't say at this point, but we have other victims and he is our first solid lead. Please talk him into the examination and allow us to question him. We suspect we have found part of a human trafficking group. We need him to help on this. We have gently lead this poor kid through this and his parents are very distraught over not noticing the signs. We set them up with everything they will need to get through this. He and his parents have agreed to testify against Mrs Lincoln. We asked them to keep quiet about it, but report if they have any indication that others have been around her. Charles this boy gives me information he had privy to and we find names numbers and photos. This kid had planned to blackmail mrs Lincoln and he had enough to put her behind bars for life. I snorted but reminded him blackmail was against the law. Now I have a huge job ahead of me and so do my friends. But this gets the legitimate search warrants against Elena Lincoln. Charles was asked if Richard Lincoln was involved and he said he never met the man. It was like he didn't live there at all. Hmm I will have to ask if anyone knows where he is at.
Allen called and the DNA matches the 12 year old. We lucked out when Charles showed up. He was getting ready to copy everything to blackmail Mrs Lincoln. He came in the back and had no idea we were there until he heard something and decided to get ready for his role as a submissive. She exploited him and other young boys and I mean very young. But we found evidence of her recruiting young boys and girls for others. She was also obsessed with the Grey family and the Steele family. Richard Lincoln can't be found. But there's activity on his accounts and someone is running his Lumber company. No one has see him alive for a long time. All our evidence is copied and we have found so much. We also found the salons doubled as a hub to pick up the children. It was sad, we found out more and talk about sacred workers. She had three salons and three shifts. We had wondered when we started looking into the salons why workers would be there 24/7. We had our hands full and the job was going to require we call in the FBI.
Well we can get Carla back where she is supposed to be. And the cops are on their way and the FBI have set everything up to grab the people behind all of this. Well glad we warned people now. Now we have to worry about another missing person. Arghh. Time to eat and sleep after I turn over Carla to her new best friends. Douglas Johnson wants his wife back home. The man is a saint and stupidly in love with her. This is how she treats him. He is just hopeless. But his mother is not as patient and will make Carlas life hell. I mean he will inherit a Fortune 500 company and they don't want Carla enjoying the trappings of that life after they found out about Ana.
I was told to watch the weather reports code for all hell is breaking loose soon. Regina Johnson made an appointment with me. She wants to meet Ana, but wants me to know she would like to be assured of Ana's qualities before she decides if she is worthy of inheriting from them. She knows Carla isn't, and she saw the interviews. She's sizing us up. I told her to come, but Ana might not take the inheritance knowing Carla might cause issues.
I hate flying, but Doug loves the twit. I don't get it, she cheats on him and treats him horribly. I have the divorce papers drawn up already, but she won't sign them. I believe Ana is her only salvation. Her father and I have spoken and he is a kind person. Ray and Ingrid are her adoptive parents. Frank Lambert was my grandson and Carla only wanted to cause us pain when she disappeared with Ana. The news articles were how we found Ana. Carla high tailed it to Seattle and we knew it was definitely Ana so I sent some people to find her and watch her. Talk about a too many cooks in the kitchen. I had men put on Ana too. I don't want to lose her again. Douglas fell as hard as his brother did for Carla. I give it to her she played her part well for the first year of marriage. When I noticed her spending was over budget every month I put a stop to her access to accounts. That's when the cheating started. Each man was wealthy, their wives were not so happy with Carla. So her access to men became less and less because I had her followed and we spoke to the men and or their wives. One wife made a point of making a fool out of Carla at an event for abused children. She asked why she would attend such and event since she was an abusive parent herself. Carla tried as she might couldn't deny it.
News from Kavanagh Media
Hi this is Kate Kavanagh reporting about the closing of Esclava salons after it was found that they were a front for human trafficking and more news the owner was arrested after a search of all her homes and businesses charges are still pending. Victims are still coming forward. Further arrests are in the making. Stay tuned.
Omg I can't figure out why Carla was even talking to such a person. Ray may be able shed more light on everything.

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