A Way In

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COO Thorogood
Bellamy Woods called me and asked me an odd question about Richard. Which had me telling my new assistant Danny Waterman undercover FBI agent that the guys name was written in one of the files from the night Richard came up missing.
Danny Waterman
We finally got what we need to get the human traffickers and their victims everything is in place as long as Woods doesn't make an error or get scared. He has a lot to lose if he helps us.
Bellamy Woods
I can't get involved, but I have to now. They took two of my family members. So I am ready to take them down.
A week later Richard Lincoln and six hundred others are transported back to the United States. All had to be hospitalized and quarantined. Each were interviewed individually. We had infants coming back as well. Pregnant woman of varying stages. I feel sick to my stomach as I am given very little information on the status of my family members. They are still trying to find the main people involved. They were able to stop the containers with my family, but there were casualties. I along with four others from the Seattle shipyard have been relocated temporarily. I should have stopped this when I was dragged into it. But they had my family and told me they would release them once they had Lincoln. Richard Lincoln had no idea what he had gotten himself into. His wife did though. I mean who isn't aware of what goes on in her own salons. Lincoln came down because he found out that three containers were on the outgoing invoices that had not been paid for and didn't have the contents listed. He was being a proactive owner. I will never forgive myself for this. But I was given no choice in the matter they had my family. I found out later I wasn't the only person that had family taken by these monsters. Apparently the same guys who set the Grey's up also had other jobs to do. They were grabbing victims off the street and word is they didn't care who they were related to. Judges kids, cops kids, anyone they took them from parking lots all over the state. After getting fired they were free to grab more victims. I like to believe it was because of Elena's submissive training of all of them they had no conscious about doing this for her and her friends. She was a huge part of it.
Richard Lincoln
I have turned over the shipping company to be thoroughly investigated. I called Thorogood and we spoke at length and he explained our situation in this matter. We take a hit on the shipping company, but we don't lose all of it. It will be heavily regulated by our team and spot checked from here on out. We apparently weren't the only shipping company who had this happen. We were just recently targeted because of the sale we were an easy target because of restructuring. They just thought I wouldn't notice so soon. In two weeks I will be going home. My wife is in jail where she damn well deserves to be. I have met a lot of the victims and lost them to brutality. I couldn't do a thing to help any of them. I was taught a lesson the first and last time I helped.
FBI agent Fairfield
I have Regina Johnson to thank for getting her guys involved in this. If not for her intervention and making sure her sons ex wife now didn't cause problems for her granddaughter she might not have found out about Mrs Lincoln's hobbies and then the human trafficking. She volunteered her guys to help in anyway possible and they did. She hired more people to help when needed. She of course was sworn to secrecy as was her son and her employees.
Douglas Johnson
After my mother showed me the tapes of my now ex wife's extortion attempt of her ex husband I decided to divorce Carla. I set her up with a home and two hundred grand, spread out in increments of two thousand a month for twenty months. She takes all her things I bought her with her. I had everything moved to her new four bedroom home. Mom said she didn't deserve anything, but she understood why I did it. She insisted that I set it up in a way that she couldn't sell the home and I did. I arranged so she couldn't sell it at all and if she passed away Ana would inherit it or it would go to a needy family. Mom loved that. Because after meeting Ana she wanted her to think of us as family. She plans on visiting her and wants me to join her. Mom wanted grandchildren, but Carla lied about Ana and said she had died. I didn't broach the subject again. But mom said it didn't add up.
I knew Carla would lead me to my granddaughter eventually. Because she couldn't look me in the eye when she spoke of Ana's death. I am glad my instincts are so good. Ana is nothing like her mother. She is her own person and very kind to those she loves. I made sure I have men following Hyde and Morgan and glad I did it. They attempted a kidnapping of Ana. Luckily Ana pulled her gun on Hyde and Morgan. My men stepped in as witnesses to the assault. I think my men love following her around, because she's funny. She knows they are there and they work for me. Ray warned me about her ability to discern the nature of people in her environment. Hyde and Morgan were taken to jail unscathed by Ana. But the attempts to escape from my men and the cops caused a few injuries.
I hate that Douglas divorced me and moved me out of the mansion and into this home. I can't sell it and I get only two thousand dollars a month and not a penny more. It is deposited on the third of the month like social security. His words were consider it your retirement fund and give mankind a break from all that as he waved his hand at me and my body. The PA died laughing. I glared at her and she laughed again at me.
Carla I found it hilarious, now leave my PA alone. Unlike you she has earned the respect she gets. Now we are done here security will escort you out. My driver will take you to the closest and cheapest dealership and get you the car or van for your use. Again you can't sell it. The insurance will be paid for a year then it's your problem. I would find a job quickly, at your age the job market is quite slim. Oh I am meeting my niece the weekend. Mom says she, thank God is nothing like you.

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