"You know I liked you I treated you like a brother I cared for you and protected you" I whispered

His face softened at my words

"Violet" he started

"No I took beatings for you" i lowly said

"W-what" he stammered

I pushed him further up the tree

"Your father would go to hit you, punish you but i wouldn't let him I always took the beating for you my scars, my broken bones, my bruises were all to protect you!" I screamed in his face, hot tears falling off my cheeks onto the floor

"And you know what the worst part was Draco.." I spoke

"What" he asked trembling

"I did it so you wouldn't turn out like Lucius, I knew you weren't like him but I also knew he would try turn you into him" I stood back looking down releasing his clothes

I looked back up at him disgust on my face

"But you turned out exactly like him" I spat walking off not caring everybody heard about my life at the Malfoy manor.

Time skip

Halloween came around sooner than anyone expected, with all the homework piled on us preparing us for our owls next year we hardly had any free time

"Guys come on we have one last piece left before dinner let's just get it over with" I complained to Fred and George

"But we're bored" Fred whined while dropping his head on my lap

"Ye we are" George pouted falling putting his head on the other side of my lap

"So am i but it's transfiguration I can help you both" I tried to reason with them

They both sighed not moving a muscle

"Quicker we get this done quicker you can see Angie Fred" I smirked at him he instantly sat up hiding a smile

"Fine hurry up then" he said grabbing his quill

I looked down to my lap to see George slowly falling asleep I smiled at him looking up when I saw eyes on me, my eyebrows knitting together when I saw Fred wiggling his at me

"What" I mouthed to him

He looked from me to George, my mouth formed a o shape when I realised what he was insinuating, I violently shook my head trying to deny it but he wasn't having it

Fred stood up pulling his books and parchment together

"What are you doing" I whispered

"I finished my homework while you was staring at my brother" he winked at me getting up

"I wasn't staring asshole, go to Angie lover boy" I smirked

"Gladly" he smiled

I shook my head as he walked out of the common room, I looked down ready to shake George awake when I saw his eyes wide open staring at me, I jumped in surprise

He laughed at my jumpiness and sat up grabbing his quill

"So we going to get this finished?" He asked me

I nodded my head blush on my cheeks

"Good because I'm starving" he whined

He best not of heard what Fred said, I worried the whole time while finishing my homework.

We had finished with our homework putting everything away and finally going to dinner, George wrapped his arm over my shoulder and I flinched coming back to reality from my day dream

"You alright?" He asked concern covering his face

"What, oh ye just a bit tired" I lied

We turned the corner when I got pulled back by a hand on my shoulder I looked back in confusion to see George being the one pulling me back, he pulled me towards the windows in the corridor

"Violet what's wrong" he asked with a serious tone, I knew I had to tell him something but I don't know what

"Just something Fred said that's all" I answered looking down

He grabbed my chin and pulled my head up to look at him

"Ignore Fred he's just trying to annoy you" he smiled at me trying to make me feel better

Seeing his smile brought butterflies to my stomach, I looked in his eyes smiling at him, my eyes traveled from his eyes to his lips and he was doing the same

He started leaning towards me and I instinctly went towards him lining our lips up, my eyes fluttered shut waiting to feel his lips on mine

Just as we were half a inch away from each other we heard Fred's voice booming down the corridors, we pulled away from each other with a jump just in time to see Fred turning the corner running towards us

"Hey what are you doing dinner just started" he got in the middle of us, grabbed both of our arms and linked them together marching us to dinner

We were halfway through dinner when I looked at Angie in front of me next to Fred

"Hey where's Harry" I wondered

"I don't know ask Ron and Hermione" she shrugged her shoulders turning towards Alicia who was also next to her, I looked at her after finding her staring at me she quickly turned away when our eyes locked, what the hell is wrong with this girl I wondered

I shoved it to the back of my mind turning to Hermione and Ron

"Hey Ron where's Harry?" I ask, he turns to me

"Lockhart made him stay" he said immediately rolling his eyes when Hermione squealed at Lockhart's name

I sighed and turned back to eating my food

We were walking back to the common room when everyone stopped infront of us causing me to fall over

"What the fuck lee why did you just stop like that" I spat

George bent down helping me up

"Thanks" I smiled at him

My smile faded when I saw what made everyone stop, in front of me mrs Norris was hanging from the wall, the wall with words written in what looked like blood

"The chamber of secrets has been opened enemies of the heir...beware"

Stood in front of the wall was Harry who was trying to explain his innocence to filch who was nearly in tears

We were sent back to our common rooms by Dumbledore's command

"I know the chamber of secrets the Malfoy's spoke about it once but I was told to get out of the room" I spoke slowly

George smiled at me reassuringly knowing I get upset whenever I talk about the Malfoy's

"I wouldn't put it past them to know what's going on" Fred spoke

"I guess, I'm going to bed, night" I told George and Fred

As I was walking away I heard George slap Fred around the head

"Fucking idiot" he hissed at Fred

My darling - 1 (George Weasley fan-fiction) Where stories live. Discover now