26. "Two kids on an adventure"

Start from the beginning

Out of habit, I sprayed myself with perfume and walked out of my room. When I walked downstairs, Gael was eating my chips with his eyes on me. "Sorry, I got hungry."

"For chips at seven in the morning?"

I put my keys and wallet into my bookbag. "The stomach wants what the stomach wants. Ready to go?" He asked, standing up to stretch. He dressed casually in a black undershirt, a jacket, and joggers. His hair effortlessly laid on one side, swooping over his forehead.

"You look...nice." He said. I smiled and walked towards the door and waited for Gael to follow me. Once I locked up, we headed downstairs as he threw his book bag on his back. Gael quickly suited up, putting on his helmet, passing me the other one. I stared at him, slowly shaking my head.

"That's a long time to be on a bike, Gael." I've been on it before with him, but it was only twenty minutes, and he's a speed demon. My nerves got the best of me.

"And nothing is going to happen to you. I promise." He said, "I've taken plenty of road trips on Baby. She's good to me."

I breathed out and shook my legs. "I'm big on promises. So, keep it and drive safely."

"You got it," He smiled, watching me grab the helmet and put it on my head.


I squeezed my arms around Gael's firm chest, keeping my chin on his shoulder as he held a steady speed. The music loudly played as we cruised down the long highway. It seemed endless, like we were so far away but close at the same time. It felt so much more different being on a bike versus a car. Everything seemed more adventurous and dangerous, but I loved the thrill.

"Look to the left," Gael yelled as I glanced to the side. It was a field of beautiful horses and an array of farmhouses and ranches. I was in awe because I've loved horses and animals in general since I was little. I used to have a dog, Sammy, when I was ten but had to give him away when my Mom had a bad allergic reaction. Maybe I'll get a dog in my new place?

With a smile on my face, I said, "Did you take a wild guess and assumed I liked horses?" I felt his laugh reverberate through his chest.

"When I brought you to your room the night you twisted your ankle, I saw the horse picture above your bed."

I remained quiet for a second, taking in the scenery. "I see you're very observant."

"More than you think," He yelled, revving his engine as he switched lanes.

As we drove out of the city, I couldn't help but soak everything in. If someone told me I would be living in California, on the back of a motorcycle going to San Diego, I would think they were bat shit crazy. But I'm here on my own, changing my life and getting the one that I deserve. But I do know one thing that I'm so proud of myself for taking this step. I casually laid my head on Gael's back.

"Don't fall asleep."

"Do you think I'm stupid?" I fired.


Two and a half hours later, we parked in a residential area encircled by beautiful homes. I'm not sure if this is where we're supposed to be, or he made a pit stop. It doesn't look like a bridge to me.

When I got off the bike, I groaned, stretching out my legs from being bunched up for hours. Gael did the same, removing his helmet before helping me with mine.

As I glanced around, I had to squint because of the sun right in my face. "Are we here?" I asked. Gael took off his black jacket, every move, giving away his strength and the strain of his muscles. For a second, I thought I was going to drool but quickly got myself together.

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