"As if I have time," she argued, packing up her stuff in neat binders.

"There is always time for relaxation during the summer. Come on, let's go!" I said and pulled her arm out the door.

"Bye Will! Bye Nico!" she called out. The two boys blushed and looked at her. Will Solace winked at Annabeth and smiled slyly.

"Where are we going Percy?" she squealed.

"Wherever the bus will take us."

"But how?"

"Choose a number between 1 and 10," I told her.

"Okay, 9!"

"Fine. In 9 stops we will get out and see if there's anything interesting in the area. You need a break, and I am good at breaking things."

She laughed again. "Wow what a line, Percy."

I grinned.

"Is this what you tell other girls?" she continued.

"What other girls?"

"I don't know. Other girls." She bit her lip and looked at the floor.

I studied her carefully. She was avoiding my gaze. "Are you asking me if I have a girlfriend?"

"No!" she exclaimed quickly. But her cheeks were turning red and I knew better.

I moved my head closer to her. We were only one inch apart. "Well, since you're not asking me, I can tell you that I am one-hundred percent available and free," I smirked and turned away. My face was hot and I couldn't get the smug smile off my face.

There was a moment of silence. "To punch?" she suddenly asked with a sweet grin on her face.

I spun on my heel. "What?"

"You said you're "one-hundred percent available and free." Can I punch you?"

I rolled my eyes. "Is this what you tell other boys?" I laughed, stealing her line.

"Percy Jackson!"

"That's me," I laughed. She slugged my arm. "Come on let's go, Beth," I grabbed her arm and pulled her with me.

"Don't touch me Jackson!" she pushed me off.

"Well you won't walk, so..." I looked at her with a pointed look, but we soon both burst out laughing.

We reached the bus stop and waited a couple minutes before getting on the bus. "So in 9 stops we'll reach our destination," I said in a robotic voice, mimicking the voice of the lady of the bus that said the name of the stop. Annabeth burst out laughing.

"Okay how about we play 9 questions. One for each stop?"

Annabeth smiled. "Sure."

"Okay you start," I told her and rubbed my hands together.

"Let's see... favorite song in the whole universe?" she asked.

"Ummm... well my favorite band is Imagine Dragons, so literally any song by them." I blushed. I thought teenagers were very judgmental in one's taste in music, but then again, teenage years were all about stereotypes: the nerds, geeks, or jocks, etc.

"Good choice," she nodded.

"What about you?"

"Um... I love Green Day but The Killers is pretty darn amazing."

"Yes! I love American Idiot."

She made a face. "Boulevard of Broken Dreams is better."

"Fine, fine. Next question," I smiled. Somehow the ride on the bus didn't seem so boring or smelly as other times.

"Okay favorite Disney movie."

"That's so easy. Nemo."

"Ugh, of course Seaweed Brain." She rolled her eyes. "Since I already know you're going to say 'what about you'," she teased, "my favorite Disney movie is Mulan or Tangled. Now it's your time to ask a question."

"Uh okay. If you could have a superpower what would it be?"

She stopped to think. "I would say the ability to know everything. That would be so cool. No more studying for me!" She pretended to dance in her chair, and I chuckled.

"I would choose the ability to control water," I slowed, already anticipating that she was going to interject.

"Is everything about water for you?"

"Pretty much," and we burst out laughing.

"So your favorite color is blue?" she asked.

I blushed and nodded quickly. "Percy Jackson!" she squealed.

"This is our stop," I told her and we boarded off the bus. I offered my hand to her as she stumbled down the steps of the bus.

"Thank you," she giggled.

"You're welcome, Your Majesty. Now, where are we?"

You Belong to my Heart: A Percabeth FFWhere stories live. Discover now