Druella x Fem!Reader

Start from the beginning

I smile patting her shoulder, "Glad you see it my way. Now let's head down to the stables shall we?"

"After you princess." Scarlet sighs

We quickly exit my bedroom heading down towards the stables. Thankfully we don't pass too many servants, and reach our destination rather quickly. As Scarlet entered the stable I stand in front our horses-Charmer and Juniper. We both swiftly put on our saddles before hopping on. Our horses paw at the ground, excited to finally be let out again. Just as a knight enters the stables we take off, not giving him any time to react. I look over my shoulder, laughing at his shocked expression. Scarlet on the other hand didn't seem too happy.

"Aw come on. You have to admit that was a little funny."

"It won't be funny when he alerts the others."

I roll my eyes at her response ushering Charmer to go faster as we approach the gates. The guards were completely oblivious to our small sneak out since they saluted us as we left. After a short horse ride we approach the gates of Druella's kingdom. Almost immediately we are yelled at by two ogre guards.

"Who goes there?" One of them hiss glaring at us

Scarlet stops in front of me shielding my body from them, "Before you is princess Y/N L/N of K/N. She has come to discuss your queen's terms of peace."

Their eyes widen before they shout at someone to open the gate. As we walk into the kingdom we're greeted by four more guards.

"You'll have to leave your horses here. We will escort you to queen Druella."

Scarlet looks over at me making sure that I was comfortable with doing this. I nod and Scarlet quickly hops off her horse, helping me down from mine. The four guards quickly surround us and begin to take us to the castle. As we walk through the town multiple monsters eye us lustfully, but Scarlet glares at them and moves closer to me. We make it into the castle within minutes where I immediately spot Druella on her throne. To be honest she was even more beautiful then what our spies had said. Although I'm sure it helps that she's a succubus as well. Beside her is her white oni bodyguard who watches us with suspicion.

"Do my eyes deceive me?" Druella smirks sitting up in her throne, "Is that the beloved Y/N L/N?"

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"Do my eyes deceive me?" Druella smirks sitting up in her throne, "Is that the beloved Y/N L/N?"

"It's a pleasure to meet you." I state giving a slight bow, "I was hoping we could re-open the terms for peace."

"As yes." She stands walking towards me with her bodyguard in tow, "Your father really pissed me off earlier you know, but if you came all this way to talk to me then I shall hear you out."

"Thank you your highness."

"No need to be so formal." She states waving off the other guards, "Just call me Druella." She stops in front of me offering me her arm, "Shall we?"

"Of course." I state looping my arm with hers as our two guards follow us

As we walked outside into the courtyard I spoke, "You'll have to forgive my father. He can be a bit overprotective of me."

"Oh yes. My messenger told me. Although she told me you were willing to accept my terms." Druella smirks her eyes shifting behind me for a second, "Is that true?"

I take a deep breath stopping in my tracks, "Indeed. I will marry you if that means peace."

Her smirk widens her red eyes glowing, "Then we shall start the celebrations."

Before me or Scarlet could do anything, Druella quickly pinned me to the wall. Her bodyguard does the same to Scarlet, the white oni looking down at her lustfully.

"I'm so happy you agree to this." Druella purrs her face centimeters away from mine, "I've been entrapped by your beauty ever since I first saw you."

I blush as her tail wraps around my waist pulling me flush against her. She gently cups my face in her hand, slowly leaning down and pressing her lips on mine. I return the kiss wrapping my arms around her neck. It doesn't last too long with Druella pulling away.

"The celebrations can wait." Druella pants wrapping her wings around me, "I'd rather have you to myself for the next few days~" My new wife turns to her bodyguard who was making out with Scarlet, "Amachi. Take the next few days off. Besides I'm sure you'll be busy as well."

Amachi only nods as Druella picks me up bridal style.

"Let's retire to my bed shall we?~"

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