It's Complicated: 10

Start from the beginning

I vaguely hear he sound of my clothes ripping, but that is the least of my worries at this point. It's not like they were some expensive designer clothes.

What once were my arms and legs rejoin somehow and I'm forced to roll over onto my stomach when they set above me. My nails on both my hands and feet get longer and larger. My face seems to stretch and the skin moves with the growing bones, but never tears as gross as that sounds. My teeth start to elongate and poke through my gums at sharp points, forcing my mouth open. I even feel my ears turn into points at the ends and they're now on the top of my head... I think... I can't tell what's exactly where anymore.

If any of this sounded strange before, then the weirdest thing by far is the hair starting to sprout all over my body. It even appears on my face and hands which actually don't feel like hands anymore. My legs grow a thin layer of hair as well, but not near as much as the rest of me.

I let out a breath of relief when the pain finally stops and the fire is finally put out. The weight that was on my chest making it difficult to breath slowly disappears right after and I'm left feeling slightly numb.

I simply lie in place, stomach down, and glad whatever happened is finally over. My first thought is that I have to be dead. No one can go through that and actually survive. It would take a miracle or four.

Sounds suddenly start to reach my ears all at once and I cringe slightly at how loud they are. I hear the little animals running around the forest, even if their feet barely touch the ground as they run. The birds are all nestled into their trees for the night except for the occasional night owl.

After what feels like forever, I decide it's time to pry my eyes open. The clarity in which I see everything surprises me. My glasses are no where in sight and I never put my contacts in this morning, but I've also never seen things this well before. Each leaf, each blade of grass, the rough looking bark on the trees, even the rabbit hiding in the bushes a little ways away. It's like watching something on TV in HD for the first time ever, yet so much better then that. I turn my head towards the sky and immediately feel at peace upon seeing the moon still shining bright in the sky. That's the only thing that seems to have remained the same through that whole experience.

The moon...

Shit! If it's that high then that means I've been out for a lot longer then I originally wanted. I know I needed to blow off some steam, but this isn't exactly what I was going for. Now, I'm going to have some major explaining to do when I get back.

Thinking it over, I realize that maybe it would have been better to have actually died then go home and face the wrath that is my mother. She can be freaky scary in serious situations and disappearing for half the night isn't going to settle well with her. I snuck out once last year to go to Tyler's. party and I ended up grounded for a month.

With a sigh, I reluctantly stretch out my muscles and stand up... or try to.

Um... didn't I use to be a little taller? No! When my bones broke I must have shrunk! What kind of cruel world am I living in?! I liked being tall. It was one thing I was really proud of because I'm taller then all my female friends. Thatcher doesn't count because he's a guy and annoyingly tall. Plus it helps me block in volleyball.

Wait... I'm on my hands and knees. Thaaaat's why I'm shorter. For a second I actually thought I lost some height. I must be going crazy. I think I just need to go home and crawl into bed. I know the last few days I've been wanting to go back to school, but I say screw it. I'm not going to want to do anything after tonight. Sleeping is officially my new priority.

I push against the ground with my hands to stand upright and succeed for a few seconds before falling back to the ground. What the... I try again only to come to have the same result. I look down and freeze.

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