IRL • 138

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I was sat in my living room with Nina as we were spending Christmas together.

Her and Ian had broken up so she had no one else to spend it with and neither did I.

We were sat next to each other on the couch with hot chocolates and popcorn while watching Elf.

We had gotten to the part where Buddy had just met his Dad when the door bell rang.

I gave Nina a weird look before placing my bowl of popcorn on the table and going to the door.

I had no idea who it was.

But I did not expect it to be this person.

Daniel stood there holding signs in one hand and a stereo in the other.

"Who is it?" Nina called from the living room.

I did what the first sign said to do and told her it was carol singers.

I rolled my eyes when he put the stereo down and started playing 'silent night'.

Very original. Andrew Lincoln did it better.

'With any luck, by next year' the second sign said.

'I'll be going out with one of these girls...'

When he dropped the sign to the floor I was expecting to see different models decorating the large card, however, it wasn't.

It was just pictures of my face.

'But for now let me say,'

'Without hope or agenda,'

'Just because it's Christmas-'

'(And at Christmas you tell the truth)'

'To me, you are perfect'

I put my hand over my mouth and felt tears build up in my eyes.

I already knew it was gonna say that but it still made my heart swell.

'And my wasted heart will love you'

'Until you look like this...'

The picture made me laugh as it was me as a desiccated vampire.

'And I know you're not ready to start a family'

'But I will wait'

'Because you are my family'

I couldn't contain the tears anymore.

'Merry Christmas'

He smiled at me with tears glistening in his eyes and let the last sign drop to the floor.

I ran and jumped into his arms, kissing him with so much passion.

After a moment we unlocked lips and I stared into his eyes.

Those damn chocolate brown eyes that I've missed so much it's caused me agony.

He used his thumb to wipe away the tears that were dripping down my cheek.

"I love you Daniel. My heart is, and always will be, yours." I sniffed.

"Jane Austin hey." He chuckled with his beautiful smile on show.

"Love actually hey." I chuckled back.

We both smiled at each other and in that moment my heart was fixed.

Daniel wasn't someone I wanted he was someone I needed.

I had to leave him and go back inside but he promised to text me.

And he kept his word the next day.

I really thought Christmas was going to be shit this year but it turned out to be the best one I've ever had.

Merry Christmas everyone! ❤️

Comfort Zone // Daniel GilliesWhere stories live. Discover now