PM • 07

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Paul's BackPocket : i'm sorry about the guys on the group chat they didn't mean any of it. they just wanted to have a joke and i'm the only single person left so they used me as their pawn

No it's fine honestly, you don't have to apologize

Paul's BackPocket : you sure

100% , I probably would've joined in if I wasn't the one involved 😂

Paul's BackPocket : ok
so how's unpacking going?

Tiring 😴 but tbh I don't have a lot to unpack it's mostly just constructing things, I'm currently trying to put together my bed

Paul's BackPocket : are you winning?

Unsurprisingly no 😅 but if I don't build it I'll have to sleep on the floor because I haven't built my sofa yet so I'm not giving up just yet!

Paul's BackPocket : if you need any help, I'm just a phone call away

Thank you :)
I did it!!! 😆🤪
Omg it's so comfyyyy

Paul's BackPocket : congrats!
what else do you have to build?

My sofas, tv stand, 2 wardrobes, many cabinets and some other beds for the guest bedrooms
But they're jobs for another day.

Paul's BackPocket : i could come over and help you tomorrow if you want?

If you're offering, that would be very helpful

Paul's BackPocket : sounds like a plan :) what time should i come over ?

I'll text you when I wake up because I'm either gonna wake up bright and early or I'm gonna sleep through the entire morning - gotta love jet lag

Paul's BackPocket : what time would it be in the UK now?

2am, which isn't that bad but I'm exhausted.
I think I'm going to go to sleep now, goodnight Daniel :)

Paul's BackPocket : goodnight  :)

Comfort Zone // Daniel GilliesWhere stories live. Discover now