PM • 47

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Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : i have returned


Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : i believe it may be tetris time

You still play that game 😂

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : of course, it's a classic
i also get paid to play it

You win lots of dosh?

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : $500 for top 3 🤭

U better win

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : i won't, it's a worldwide competition

If you try hard enough...

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : i came 200th last time, i'm way out of practice

Practice then, bro

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : but i wanna play other games too 😔

Do u get paid to play other games?

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : no
sort of

Then spend more time playing games you'll get paid for playing

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : it would seem there is someone else who loves money just as much as i do

and who would that be?

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : you.

You know that

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : indeed i have noticed

I recon you'd be better than Elon

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : better than elon?
damn that's saying something
i love elon
elon kinda fresh tho 👀

Oooo, Daniel and Elon
I ship it

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : heck yeah 😎


Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : i wish my name was adam


Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : because then our ship name would be edam
that's a cheese lol

Match made in Heaven

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : i tell no lies
it's a good cheese, too

Of course you like it if it's from the Netherlands

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : nah emmental isn't as nice
i'm a cheese connoisseur, it would be unprofessional to base a cheese on the country it's from
it's totally unrelated
silly eleanor

I don't like cheese so I wouldn't understand 😔

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : yeah there's something wrong with you bc of that

I disagree

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : how does one
dislike cheese
and think she's normal

It's very simple actually

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : but how

Me eat the cheese - me spit the cheese into the bin where it belongs - me go along with my day

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : me slap you because you silly woman you EAT THE CHEESE IT'S DELICIOUS
i'm sorry i did not mean to get angry
very sorry
it's just very close to my heart

It's fine, sorry I offended your cough cough *shit* cheese

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : woah
it's okay though, at least i don't like football 😎

Excuseeeee uuuuuuu
Not cool, fam

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : i mean
i can't say i regret what i said
i meant it 😤

At least I won't die if I play football
If u eat too much cheese you'll die or get heart disease

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : if you play to much football you'll die

Cheese is for tories

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : you disgust me

You disgust me

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : 😲
you can't say that eleanor!

Why not? You said it first.

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : i'm allowed because i'm right.

But I'm also right ...

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : no you're not, liking cheese should be necessity


Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : maybe we should agree to disagree, and collectively agree that you smell

I don't smell 😱
But yes, we can agree to disagree

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : well i think you smell

Shut it bruv, you smell more cuz you eat cheese

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : shut up your sweaty because you do football

Cheese breath

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : sweaty pits

Goodnight, cheese breath

Kiwi Daniel 🥝❤️ : goodnight, sweaty pits
r e a d 1:03 a m

Comfort Zone // Daniel GilliesWhere stories live. Discover now