Interview - IRL • 43

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Today Daniel was doing an interview with ENews Online.

I went with him because apparently he needed a 'companion' as he said when he asked me to go with him.

I only agreed because he said he'd buy me lunch afterwards.

I really need to stop agreeing to things because people say we'll get food afterwards - I'm gonna start getting fat.

Once we got there I sat behind the interviewer with the rest of his team and assistant.

(Interviewer = bold
Daniel = italics
Eleanor = bold + underlined)

"So Daniel, what's it like being on a show and getting resurrected?"

"Being on the show is just being as - being murdered and resurrected that's fun for me it's just I mean the whole theme for me is death. There was a time in my career when I just when every character I was playing was kind of dying, so if I was reading the script or whatever and I knew I was auditioning for it and I saw that he died I would think well that's my chances had climbed by 50 percent or whatever and I think for getting the role. I used to honestly think I'd book stuff when I'd read it out and I was going to die so it just make sense that I'm kind of this human Kenny from South Park."

"Have you been surprised by the fan response to your character..?"


"I mean it's been kind of crazy."

"It's been crazy I don't—I don't get it umm.."

"Me either!"

"Shut it you. I feel really blessed . Um, I did not think I would survive beyond two episodes, that's what he was supposed to live for I think, in the beginning, two maybe three I don't , um I don't get why I'm still around to be honest and I just feel — feel very lucky that the fans seem to like him so much."

"And are you surprised by how empathetic the character has become from even when introduced like you know bitch slapping someone's head off and.."

"I think that's actually why people liked him, yeah, and I think that's why they continue to like him
I think if they hadn't made him empathetic he'd still be around I really do, like I really — I actually think that was what — that's what people sort of adore about him I think that he actually represents menace and people talk about these other things as the reason he stuck around and I disagree I think the reason he stuck around was because I think he — he looked like what people thought a vampire should should be and I'm not talking me physically I think that there's some sort of energy or whatever that the writers created I just turned up and did it , like did that — the thing that they had set up it's not there's nothing to do with me. And I'm not trying to be humble here I just turned up and did the thing you know and I think for some reason it was an accident that happened it made it look like this formidable kind of um, like what you'd imagine an immortal to sort of have in terms of prowess and dexterity.."

"Stop using big words to make you're stuttering sound better."

"Just because you don't understand what they mean, um.. and kind of , um, I've lost my train of thought now.. uhh, I guess sort of an old-world elegance or something you know and I think that that's what people responded to and continued to respond to, he's vampire he really is he's not a .. he just — he's not a pretty guy with teeth."

Comfort Zone // Daniel GilliesWhere stories live. Discover now