GC • 147

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Big Dick Energy

Nina 🦋 : So Eleanor, what's it like living with Daniel

Don't get me started

Candice 👑 : Well that's not a good sign

Phoebe 🐳 : Are you having second thoughts?

No no
It's just I need to adapt to living with another human being again
It's only been 3 days and I'm losing my mind

Nina 🦋 : Stop being dramatic

Claire 💝 : He can't be that bad

I'm not being dramatic!

Candice 👑 : You are a tiny bit

Leave me to moan in peace
^ that's what she said :)

Claire 💝 : 🤦‍♀️

Phoebe 🐳 : What's so bad about it?

It's got nothing to do with him. It's just I like being alone and now I can't have my peace.

Candice 👑 : You'll get used to it

I know I will

Phoebe 🐳 : Oh no, I better not have this problem

Excuse me

Claire 💝 : Who are you moving in with?

Phoebe 🐳 : Paul and I are buying an apartment together


Nina 🦋 : Congrats!

Phoebe 🐳 : Eleanor, chill

Candice 👑 : Congratulations 🍾

Claire 💝 : Whoop whoop 🥳

Phoebe 🐳 : Thank you guys ❤️

We are so having a party to celebrate
In your new apartment ofc

Phoebe 🐳 : And why aren't we having the party in your house

Because it's not new.

Nina 🦋 : I vote for party in Phoebe and Paul's house!

Claire 💝 : Me too!

Candice 👑 : 🙋‍♀️

Phoebe 🐳 : Urgh fine

Comfort Zone // Daniel GilliesWhere stories live. Discover now