IRL • 104

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Incoming Call
Daniel ❤️



You alright?

Yeah yeah I'm fine.
How are you?

I'm good thanks.
You sure you're alright,
you don't sound it

I think we should have a talk

About what?

Our relationship

Oh God, why do you
want to do that now?

I've been thinking a
lot and I think we
need to talk about where
we see our relationship

We can do this some
other day

Eleanor please

Fine okay.
Well if we're going to
do this now can
we at least do
it in person


I'll come to yours.
Let me just put
my shoes on

I'll see you in 10

See you.


I hung up the phone and slid it into my pocket.

Why did Daniel want to speak about our future? It's a bit out the blue.

We've only been back for a month and he's already going insane.

I kept overthinking as I got into my car and reversed out of the drive way.

"Calm down Eleanor. Chill. It can't be that bad. It's Daniel. He's never this serious." I told myself as I drove to Daniel's apartment.

Once I arrived I took a deep breath before pressing the buzzer to let me in.

I was in Daniel's living room in no time.

My heart was pounding.

We sat facing each other on the sofa. I was fiddling with my hands waiting for him to start.

"So.." Daniel started but didn't finish.

"So.." I replied, anxiously looking around his living room.

That's a nice plant he has there.

"Where do you see us in five years?" He eventually asked.

"Wow just spring that question on my out of nowhere." I chuckled nervously. I instantly changed my tone when I saw just how serious Daniel looked. "Five years... Well in five years I'll be 35 and you'll be 42. I hope to still be living in America. Hopefully in a house with you. We'll still be working, maybe on The Originals if it lasts that long. We'll have visited loads of different countries. We'd maybe have 2 dogs. Potentially be married?" I shrugged.

Comfort Zone // Daniel GilliesWhere stories live. Discover now