PM • 131

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Paulano : I have been summoned

Why are you with Phoebe?

Paulano : ...

Spit it out Mister

Paulano : Urhhh

You're on the pull aren't you!

Paulano : Maybe

Since when ?!

Paulano : Maybe two weeks

And you haven't mentioned it to me?!

Paulano : Sorry, I didn't want to give you false hope

So if you're telling me now that means it's going well!!

Paulano : Maybe

My main man Paul is gonna get a girlfriend

Paulano : Eleanor


Paulano : Chill

Paul and Phoebe sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G

Paulano : Act your age not your shoe size


Paulano : 😊

I've gotta go now! Good luck with Phoebe 😉 remember if you can't keep it PG use protection!!!

Paulano : Shut up

Don't be silly and wrap that willy

Paulano : Fuck off


Comfort Zone // Daniel GilliesWhere stories live. Discover now