IRL • 87

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I have no idea why but the fans are obsessing over the hashtag 'Isalijah' so Julie has decided to change the ending scene we originally shot.

Instead of Elijah just compelling away Isabella's memories, Julie now wants it to be a sad romantic ending.

Sorry William Shakespeare.

Some of the other cast were here to do reshoots but they weren't filming anything major.

Once we arrived at set we headed straight for hair and makeup and did the normal routine.

I already knew most of the script because we'd already shot it multiple times (one of them times was when I accidentally punched Daniel).

We got in our places and Michael shouted "action!".

"I have stood with you for 1000 years and this is the thanks I get?!" I shouted at Daniel as I ran my fingers through my hair and paced.

"Isabella, I'm trying to protect you." Daniel said calmly, trying to place a hand on my shoulder but I shrugged him away.

"Protect me? Protect me?!" I said in disbelief. "You're the one who needs protecting. Yes you may be stronger than me. Yes you may be able to compel vampires. But throughout the millennium you and your family have created thousands of enemies. Enemies that will come back for revenge. I saved you from the horrors behind the red door. I've stood by your side as you've killed and burned down entire villages because you are my best friend. And now you wish to leave for New Orleans and compel me my freedom from your family."

By the time I had finished, Daniel had winced away from me and now stood with tears brimming his eyes.

"I'm sorry Isabella.."

"No. There's nothing you can do Elijah. I want to be with you. I want to fight with you. I want to be there for you and your family. I was a part of that oath you took 1000 years ago. You can't just make me forget. I won't let you. And if you try... I will hurt you." I spat with venom lacing her tone.

Daniel made an advance on me but I got in a fighting stance and pulled back my fist (this time making sure to not actually hit him).

I started pretending to beat him up until he eventually used his Original Vampire strength to grab my hands and restrain me.

"Isabella." He warned.

He looked so sad which helped me start crying.

"Please. Elijah." I sobbed. "Don't do this."

He looked at me hesitantly.

Here was the big line - I had to do this perfectly.

I looked at him, my cheeks glistened with my tears and with a straight face and a strong voice I told him Isabella's secret.

"I love you, Elijah."

He instantly let go of me and took a step back, his eyes scanning my face.

God, he was such a good actor.

He looked absolutely broken.

"I'm so sorry." He managed to say through his own tears.

He grabbed my shoulders and compelled me.

"I want you to forget about the oath you participated in 1000 years ago. I want you to forget all about the Mikaelsons. I want you to live the life you want to live - have fun, travel the world, make memories, meet new people. When I leave you will start a new life; you will have no recollection of your past but you will know that it was spent doing things you loved. If we ever meet again and I say the words "always and forever" you will remember everything, but until then, you are free."

He used his vampire speed to leave the room as I pretended to re-adjust to what just happened.

The camera moved to where Daniel was hiding behind the door frame where he was watching me.

"I love you too, Isabella." He whispered before actually leaving.

"And cut! Well done guys, that was superb."

Comfort Zone // Daniel GilliesWhere stories live. Discover now