Comic Con • 163

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The Originals Q&A

Joseph : Hello we're the cast of the Originals and we're here at Comic Con to answer some questions.

Phoebe : I'm gonna ask Joseph a question. What is the state of the brother's bond when season 3 starts?

Joseph : Shattered. Is the word I'd use to describe it.

Michael : Will we see Vincent use magic again next season?

Yusuf : Well for right now I think Vincent is pretty committed to staying outside of the magical world. But I think we're going to see him flirt with the idea of using it and flirt with the magical world.

Charles : Daniel, will Elijah be looking for revenge for what Klaus did to Isabella?

Daniel : I hope he does.

Joseph : If he was seeking revenge, what revenge would he seek?

Daniel : Telling Klaus how mediocre his art is.

Danielle : Cami's acknowledged her feelings for Klaus but also at times called him a monster, where do you think the breaking point with him is?

Leah : I think this season she's setting some boundaries or attempting to, I think you know she's like 'I'm gonna be your therapist' which I don't know if it's a great idea because you're not supposed to have feelings for your clients, but she's like 'I'm going to make this complicated and fun'. So she's trying to set boundaries but she has - I mean look at that face - it's so hard. So hard.

Eleanor : With Hayley's pack being cursed is her greatest struggle simply finding a way to be human more than once a month?

Phoebe : I think that Hayley is struggling because she isn't with her little baby right now, and so I think she's struggling missing these kind of big moments in her baby's life. And also struggling with because she's so angry at Klaus and she just wants to seek revenge on him but she only has a very small window once a month, when the full moon is out.

Daniel : Eleanor, do you think your character will ever forgive Klaus for what he's done?

Eleanor : Eventually. She's known him for over a millennium and he's done questionable things during that time which she's forgiven him for so I think she will in time. But when she does come back she's not going to be a happy bunny.


The best interview of the day was always the one done by TV Line; which was hosted by the lovely Andy Swift.

After a long day of meet and greets and interviews it was always a nice way to finish the day with the TV Line interview; even though the majority of the time we were squished together on a little sofa. But I wasn't complying because I got to sit next to Daniel.

After talking about season 3 and what's going to happen to each characters in depth, Andy changed to topic to Daniel and I.

Andy : So it's not just Hayley and Jackson who have taken the next step in their relationship - Daniel and Eleanor, you guys are getting married.

Eleanor : Yes, next week.

Andy : That soon?

Daniel : Yep. The time has flown by.

Andy : And isn't it true that it was your co-stars that helped bring you two together.

Eleanor : Indeed it is. I'm pretty sure it was Candice who started 'shipping' us together first and then soon enough everyone was on board.

Joseph : They took bloody months to get together - it was hard work.

Andy : So is there anything you can reveal about the wedding?

Eleanor : It's being held in Atlanta so once we fly back on Friday it's going to be a very stressful week of planning and preparation.

Daniel : Can we reveal who our best man and maid of honour is?

Eleanor : Go for it.

Daniel : So we're having Paul as our best man and Nina as our head bridesmaid - we've also got Candice, Phoebe and Leah as the other bridesmaids; and we've got Joseph, Ian and Charles as our ushers.

Andy : Well congratulations and I wish you all the best for your special day.

Eleanor : Thank you.

Daniel : Thanks man.



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