Can't hide it (Dean)

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From Dean's point of view this time, *He has feelings for you, but never says anything. Then as he watches you with another guy at a bar. Sam makes a comment that changes everything.

Warnings: none? It's short.

Dean POV
I can't get past this feeling. I wish I could open my mouth and just finally tell her I am crazy about her, hell that I love her. Instead, what comes out is protective jack-ass comments when I get scared that she's going to get hurt.

So here I am, sitting across from her and Sam at our booth at this old bar and she won't even look at me.

I deserve it. I was such a dick to her when she did amazing on our hunt. The ghost separated her from me in the house, with Sam at the graveyard trying to salt and burn. But we were in the house. It slammed her into a different room. I fought to get to her, then the ghost came at me.

I didn't have any iron or salt. She burst through a window and swung an iron bar, saving my ass from it trying to kill me. But she was thrown across the room yet again when it came back.

I got so scared she was hurt that I got pissed she even came to help me. I yelled at her that she should have stayed safe and stayed away. I was awful to her, and I wish I could take back the words. I'm pretty sure she hid tears in the car when we left.

She's so damn gorgeous. Even when she looked like she wants to deck me; hell, especially when she looks like she wants to deck me. It's sexy on her.

But how can I say that I love her without freaking her out? She will think I'm insane, tell me we work as friends and then things will be weird between us. It could ruin us, but God it's killing me not to say anything.

I drank from my beer; barely able to take my eyes off her as she and Sam talked. He is her best friend, well him and Cass.

She always tells him when things are wrong. She always talks to them more than she does me. Which does bother me a little. She's my favorite person on the planet, second only to Sammy and even that is a pretty damn close second. But she doesn't talk to me about stuff like she does with them. Which makes me jealous.

As she laughed, making me smile and want her even more, a guy came over. He cleared his throat to grab her attention. I was already sizing him up.

God this never fails. We get to a bar and someone comes up and asks her to dance or to come get a drink with them. I can't blame them. She is the light of every place we go. I'm jealous they have the balls to do it.

"Well, hi there." She said with that million dollar smile, a dimple on the right side of her mouth that only pops out when she's really smiling.

Crap, she thinks he's cute or something. I'm going to have to watch them hit on each other.

"Hi, I was wondering if you wanted to dance?" He sounded confident for the most part. But also like her was unsure if Sam was her boyfriend or not.

She giggled, and God that about leveled me to my knees. "Sure, that sounds like fun." She finished her beer quickly then took his offered hand. She shot Sam a grin as she followed him to the dance floor area.

I watched, closely, feeling my jaw clench. Lucky bastard. I swear if he kisses her I will lose my mind.

They started dancing with his hands at a some what respectable place on her hips, but testing the waters. She smiled up at him, those sky blue eyes shining all the way across the bar.

I downed the rest of my own beer and heard a chuckle from my brother.

I looked at him to see he was looking at me as he laughed. I raised an eyebrow, hoping to play off where I was looking or at least why I was doing it.

"Dude, if it bothers you so much... do something about it." Then he gestured with his head back to where I had been looking.

I sighed. He had a point. I can't sit back forever. I nodded then got to my feet, hearing Sam mumble a 'holy shit' when he realized that I was doing what he said.

I approached them from the side, and tapped the guy on his shoulder. "Hey, buddy, you mind if I cut in?"

He shrugged, recognizing me from our table I'm sure. "No problem, man."

Idiot. Who would just willingly give up on her like that? She's worth putting up a fight.

She thanked him for the dance, then turned to look at me. She was pissed. She was about to say 'What the hell', I could see it in her eyes.

So instead of waiting or speaking, I grabbed her face softly and kissed her. I just went for it.

The words won't come out, so maybe this is the best way to get my point across.

She flinched slightly, then her lips pressed back against mine eagerly. Her hands slid up my chest and to my neck to tangle into my hair. I moaned softly into her mouth at the feeling; it turned me on instantly. She grinned, then bit my lower lip.

I pulled back after a minute and put my forehead against hers, "I'm sorry about before. I act like a dick because I worry about you being hurt. I was scared. I'm just... I'm crazy about you. That's what all of that has always been about."

She closed her eyes and hummed happily as if she had been waiting to hear that. One of her hands slid down my shoulder onto my chest. "I am crazy about you too, Winchester. I'm flatted you care so much."

We turned and I saw Sam was recording us. What a brother. He put his phone down and smiled at us as we got to him. "It's about time. Now I don't have to hear her go on and on about Dean this.. and Dean that." She punched his arm, a little harder than playfully but they both laughed.

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