Because (Dean)

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You work with Sam and Dean. Jo is always calling for help, trying to be around Dean more and more. You don't care for Jo and things come out after her hunt pisses you off.

Over 4,000 words.

Warnings: Smut: with daddy kink, language, mean girl.

We got to Ellen's bar and like clockwork Jo was next to Dean. "Hey, guys. How was the drive?" She and Ellen called early this morning. She thinks she found a vengeful spirit case.

I rolled my eyes at her flirty ones shooting Dean's way. "It was fine." Dean answered with the million-dollar perfect smile.

Sam cleared his throat, "Show us what you have on the case. The faster we get to it the more people we can save."

I smirked when her face dropped as Dean agreed and moved to sit at the bar.

Of course, she moved to the back side of the bar when Sam sat beside Dean. She grabbed a file, handed it to Dean and leaned onto the bar - pushing her chest out obviously. I scoffed a little too loud, earning weird glances from the brothers.

"Wow, nice work kid." Dean commented as he looked through the papers in the file.

She smiled, "Thanks. It looks like a case, right?" Her focus was on Dean who nodded and slid the file to Sam.

I growled quietly and looked at it with the younger brother. It did seem legit, I'll give her that.

"Yeah, we should get going. It's a few hours to this town." Dean said smoothly.

She giggled, making me once again scoff.

Sam and I agreed. We all three got up to leave, Jo tried to come around the bar but Ellen stepped in her way. "You are not going."

I smiled, and looked away to hide it.

"Mom! I found this case! I'm not a child!"

"They can handle it." Ellen said firmly but without emotion, Jo huffed.

"We will stop by on our way to Bobby's okay? Fill you in, have a few drinks?" Dean offered.

"A phone call would be fine to let her know." I commented with a bit of an attitude.

Sam stifled a laugh. "Or I could go along." Jo tried to argue with Ellen.

But her mom shook her head, "No, not this time."

"Why not!?" Jo yelled.

"I said no. It's dangerous."

"We should go. Another case, okay Jo?" Sam said nicely.

She huffed, "I'm going!"

I got annoyed, this was stupid. "We don't need you, and we don't have time for this. You stay here with your mom and be safe from the scary danger."

Dean's jaw flexed. "Liv, that's enough."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh shove it where the sun don't shine, Dean. I'll be in the car when you shake the kid." I stormed out to the car, shoving the file flat to his chest.

When they came out Sam was trying not to laugh. Dean looked annoyed. They got in the car and we took off.

"That attitude was not necessary, Alivia. What did Jo ever do to you?" Dean said as he focused on the road.

I huffed, "Oh, come on, we need to get to the job. Ellen wasn't letting her come. We were wasting time listening to them argue. I don't have anything against her."

"She wants to be a hunter. You don't have to be mean to her." He grumbled at me.

I rolled my eyes, "Okay. Whatever, Dean."

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